Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Making movies

So I was feeling all good about myself, uploading roughly edited movies to You tube. It was awesome. I was telling a story of what happened. I captured 6 hours of an experience into a few minutes. I felt like I was writing with moving pictures. But now when I try to share my edited videos I get a "share Failed" To tell the truth, like Paulo Coelho I am very superstitious about the internet. I'm not saying I actually believe in internet gods or fairies, but yeah pretty much I figure there is some cosmic reason why it won't let me share the video now or share that particular video so I'll come back later.

Of course, that is not the problem. The problem is that I thought I was working with something taht was a given. You finish your video, you click share. Just like I finish writing this post and I click publish. But apparently I was working on some sort of "Temporary" way of doing things that has now run out.But I don't get if the problem is with Youtube or Final cut.... probably final cut. So now I have to call them, have them talk me through it while I follow along like an idiot and yes they will think I'm an idiot because to them, I should obviously know this simple thing but they will pretend not to be annoyed you know because that's there job.... but you know I don't get it. Even when I work with people who know thus stuff, everything changes so fast that there are a lot of people wondering what the hell is going on for a lot of time. Kind of makes you want to just sit around in a circle around a fire and tell a story and then call it a day.

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