Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Zen of napping.

Grace registered the kids for schools yesterday. Good thing one of these parents is organized. For Registering we got a little goody bag with books and crayons. I was really excited about it because one of the books was actually a book I was meaning to buy. Zen Ties, by Jon Muth. The main characters are Stillwater, a giant panda Zen master, and his nephew Koo a play on the words Haiku. When I borrowed the books from the library before Noah has called them big and little Kung Fu Panda. And there is indeed pictures of various Tai Chi looking exercises in the beginning and end of the book. These books are actually more Zen than Kung Fu Panda.

I'm actually having a lot of trouble being very Zen right now. For some reason Jonah is not going down for his nap as he usually does. It might have something to do with me missing my window of opportunity at onepm. He usually watches some sort of PBS kids or videos and clonks out. But I was on the phone with people about lion dances. Of course I chose to answer those phone calls. So I guess it is my fault And ultimately I had promised myself to take a step back from all that this year and focus on my children because of the strain it put on my family and my children.

Anyway, So I guess Jonah just missed the time he can nap by. Because if he naps now, we won't be able to wake up in time really to pick up Noah. Well at any rate it will cut it close. I guess I'll try one more time.

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