I've been getting up, doing meditation and some mein lay jum (in a way that is not difficult in a small space)
And then I've started doing this thing where I do 100 of a given basic move, and then get down and do 5 push-ups or push-up like moves. Actually the last time I did this full work out was a few days ago and I stopped when I felt that I had done a fair amount. I.e. I did not "push it" at all. But I was still tired for the next few days. I mean sore.
Does that mean I will be sore tomorrow?
I guess doing this is good for my purposes. One would think that I would want to go outside and work out in the nice spring weather. I used to do that. But the thing is, I have allergies. So when I do spend time outside it is usually to just sit there, or play in the sand box, or just enjoy the weather.
In this way I actually enjoy outdoor time more when during the winter. When everyone else was talking about frigid polar vortexes, I was outside (as long as it was sunny and not windy) I mean that's the only thing that matters. Wind and depressing gray skies. Temperature is not really as much as a factor.
However now that it is so nice I have to force myself to go inside. I know from past years that staying out, having my children nap outside with all the pollen is bad for their health and also mine.
The only thing I regretted about my indoor workout was after I did a few rounds of basic moves I substituted the 100 times set with a form, and the jumping moves would have been better to do outside. But then I remembered all the reasons listed above (mainly pollen) why that is not as good as an idea as I may think it is.
Well Noah's plastic googly eye thing is still in his ear. But I guess thinking about it isn't going to help. (But forgetting about it, which is just as easy, won't help either.) On Wednesday he will see a specialist and hopefully they can get it out without sedating him. I've been talking to Noah about staying very still.
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