Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Device addiction

Last night I had a dream, and part of that dream was being on some sort of device and looking at social media. I used to dream about flying. Now I dream about Facebook.
This isn't the first time it's happened that I close my eyes and I see a screen. But it's the first time it invaded my dreams.
Technology has affected our dreams for a long time. People back in the day used to dream only in black and white in the U.S. and think that's how dreams were, not realizing that it was because their televisions were in Black and white. As a child I had dreams where we were cartoons and where I would switch characters and camera angles. Stuff that could only happen when you are watching television. But I never dreamed that I was watching television.

I did a lot more social media than usual yesterday. I think it's because I'm trying not to think about that damn googly eye thing in Noah's ear. It's not too much of a big deal right now, but eventually it has to come out and I just wish it weren't in there. The Doctor's were unable to pull it out because of Noah's moving, and I held him down pretty good. But we don't want to puncture his ear. We were going to go to a specialist on Monday and they were going to "try" but they couldn't even get that earwax out of his ear let alone this plastic thing, so Grace suggested skipping to the last option which is to sedate Noah.
Basically everyone always says, "Oh no, you'll see. We'll make him nap, we'll get him to pee in the potty, we'll get him to hold still, we'll get that thing out." And then later the professional of whatever profession will look at us (usually me) and say, "Oh wow he's difficult."
But a moment before everyone is thinking how "easy" Noah is.

Anyway, he did try at the Doctor's office. It's just that when it came to putting the thing in his ear he couldn't bring himself to hold still. So I've been drowning my sorrows (or annoyances rather) in Facebook, Twitter, and anything else. Only there's really nothing there. I guess I need to move on to harder stuff. Like novels or Religion.

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