Except Kasich phrased it was something like, "make our Christian Jewish ideology" and then the moderator tried to cut him out.
Rand Paul, while pretty reasonable, is fun to pick on for Trump because, he's just not going to win. I like him, I don't agree with him, I'm glad he's part of the conversation, but it's not happening.
Everyone else who stood out, from Bush to Rubio to Christie to Carly Fiorina was a politician. Carly stepped up to show she can debate military stuff with stats and to not overlook her just because she's a woman.
And Rubio and Bush really stepped up at times. Christie came out with his visceral response on why we needed to go to war after 9/11 and attacked Carson. Bush may have damaged Trump with his "my brother kept us safe."
The short version of what I thought about that is while they all shined in their own way, the cancel each other out. They made the debate start to sound like the debates that we're use to which are, to the majority of people, boring. The long version is that as a liberal leaning guy, I felt like most of what was said was bullshit anyway. And ultimately even though viscerally what Christie said about needing a response after 9/11 for emotional reasons was true, it's not what you want in a leader. He tried to make Carson look weak, by saying that the country needed a Strong leader. Christie is like Santino (yeah am I being racist by comparing him to a mob movie? Sure I guess but it's his style.)
They hit us so we hit them back. But there is difference between strong and stupid. Yeah we all want to go f*** some shit up. But what's that get us?
You need smart responses. Not just what feels good. You need Michael's strong leadership and Tom Hagen's calculation about what is good for business. But nobody like Vito or Michael is running for office. However we do have the real world version of somewhat who knows that it's just business.
Which brings me to these guys.

I hate Trump. People ask me why. I hated him before he ran for President. I hated him as a child. And frankly my mother hated him. My great Aunt Dotsy and my Grandmother sucked their teeth and moaned in a kitchen in Philadelphia, a place that has become my Golden Age, when a Credit Card commercial he starred in came on, "Unghhhh Donald Trump." I just don't like this guy and I don't like 90% of the stuff he says. I think he's mildly racist, and he threw rich Asians under the bus last night by lumping them with poor ones (and the lower class ones, me what I come from, everyone one in my community who I like and hang out with) he will kick out ins second if he was dictator, born here or not, and have us all take a test to see if we're allowed back in or not.
That is except the ones that own businesses and have successful high status jobs and are educated. Wait which Asians is he worried about again? In any case, he wants to send them all back and have them take a test to see if they can come in again.
He sucks.
He says stupid shit.
A lot of that stupid shit is misinformation.
But in his general sense of things. He's right.
Basically America is big business. More than you even think. Our power over the world is buying and selling stuff, back room business deals, negotiations, and Trump is good at that stuff. The number crunching and all that, he will delegate. And when that guy burns out or screws up, he'll fire him and hire someone new.
Nothing personal, it's just business.
Look at how he debated tonight. He must have already approached Carson with, "Look nobody watches these debate really. Not the majority of people. I'm leading in the polls, and your right behind me. Trump/ Carson will be the ticket. We support each other and we'll win. You get to President next time around in 8 years when you run as former VP."
Everyone plays the game politics style. But Trump will play business style. He'll use the military where it will make us money. The truth is, China's whole success is that they run everything like a business.
Now I don't agree that America is losing. It just looks like that sometimes. I think America is great right now. I love Obama. I voted for him twice. But the Trump type might very well be the future, and frankly it's what the founding father's had in mind. Running it like a business is what got the British Empire ahead and it's what made America powerful. I hate all that, "America could be great again." crap because looking back it always seems for me that it is getting better. The Reagan era sucked for me. You see these little clips about how we "used to make and strike down laws for moral reasons" going viral on You tube. Oh yeah? When was that?
But when people say "Trump can't do anything about immigration." I say, "Good." because he recalls to an era that produced the Chinese Exclusion Act and that type of thinking. heavy handed, racist (or at least Xenophobic) and dumb. But he'll let all the rich and smart Chinese in, no doubt. In fact, we would probably just take the top 300 million from China right now and leave that country in a brain drain except for the Ultra Communist Patriotic types. And even still, their kids would be U.S. citizens. But that's only if he had ultimate power. Which he won't.
I watch and I listen and the more I hear not only do I understand that he will probably win, and do well as President, but he might ultimately be what I want as a President (with Checks and Balances and all that to keep the really crazy bullshit from happening.) Does that mean I should vote for him?
But what if the crazy stuff he wants to do happens? I could never forgive myself.
That stuff about sending everyone back. What if that really happens. But part of me knows there is even some truth in what he is saying about that. A lot of elderly Chinese come over, they don't speak English, they don't work, the collect social security even though they didn't really pay into it.... but shit, a lot of their kids and their grand kids kick ass. Why can't they stay? What if they were just supported by their children alone? Would he have a problem with that?
But he just wants to blindly send everyone back. Even citizens....but damnit if there isn't some truth to what he is saying. He's got the phrasing wrong and he's looking in the wrong places, but I know what he means. But those people he's talking about, a lot of them are MY people. I know them.
I can't vote for Trump. A vote for him is like voting against what I come from. It's voting against myself. What's the point of Democracy if you do that? I'm not the judge, I'm one vote and I'm supposed to vote in my interest and my community's interest. Does he want to send all these guys back?
How about this? Maybe he'll just speed up the process and have this little section of the city demolished
How about these vegetables. Should they be in our country? Do we have a country if it has other communities in it that don't fully assimilate to the Anglo way of life? Is absolute assimilation necessary?
On these issues the way he says is messed up. But he still has followers in the Asian community because I'm sure he will say, "Oh no, if you add something to our country you can stay. But you have to learn English."
Seen in that way he might be what's right for the country.
But who decides who gets to stay and how this process will be carried out. Remember our history! Honolulu's Chinatown was burned to the ground in 1900, BY THE CITY!
You don't have to say "what if" to see what could go wrong. You only have to look into our recent past. Chinese Entrepreneurs couldn't own land, couldn't invest. There's a way to say what he's trying to say to win my vote. But he keeps throwing the minority groups under the bus. They won't win him the election.
It's nothing personal.
It's just business.
Okay maybe he doesn't want to do these things exactly like I have framed them, but he sure sounds like he does when he wants to send even birthright citizens back and have them retest to get in.
He says, "Send them back." Not cut Welfare benefits and see who leaves.
His vagueness leaves room for doubt that can be filled with the type of policies of rounding up random people and sending them over the border that we have seen in America's past.
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