Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Jamaica Pond Bald Eagle

This weekend I had gone out to look for the Jamaica Pond Bald Eagle. It was sort of going o be an exploratory adventure with Noah, But then he didn't want to come. I was unsuccessful in finding the eagle and taking a picture. But I took other pictures and talked to someone who said they had been in he local legislature and had been part of the reintroduction of Bald eagles into the Quabbin and that they had had a hatchery there.

So that's why we have bald eagles here I guess.

When I was a kid I used to watch Wild America, and the American Eagle might as well have been like the Nian (the chinese lion) or a dragon.) It was a symbol of National pride, but in a legendary sense. Because as a child dates and time, are not like compartmentalized history listed out. Time is much more like what relativity tells us it is as a child. It flows  and warps itself. And the stories and reality blend. So the American Eagle, was more than something we picked to be put on a flag. It was a message from the Great Spirit and the gods going back before prehistory and existing in an alternate reality.

This morning after dropping off the kids I was doing my practice. My Mein lei jum and basics.. my morning routine. I was doing my happiness meditation and trying to keep it slow... and the bald eagle flies over. It was easy to spot. There were a bunch of seagulls scrambling around and then the eagle, so clearly visible because it had a white head and some white tails, flies over.

I thought, "Money cannot buy this moment."

I mean I have all these dreams about opening up my own Kung Fu school, having my own space.. etc. But If I had that I would not come to the park o practice.

But here I am comfortably doing my Kung Fu, i's not ungodly early by the way, I don't start practicing until 8:30am. There's the moon still out, the trees, fresh air, plenty of space for me to do my thing... and then an American Eagle, it's like a painting, a fantasy, except it's real.

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