Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Into the Badlands

So Daniel Wu was the Executive Producer. Apparently they interviewed all these other people and finally they were like, Dude why don't you star in this.... basically this is the opposite of what happened to Bruce Lee when he was piching his show Kung Fu. Oddly enough, Kung Fu had more Asian actors. But this show has an Asian star.

I'm seriously ONLY watching this show because I'm a Daniel Wu fan. I actually feel like it's way too violent and frankly the martial arts cinematography might be new to most Americans and Grace... but it's like I'm rewatching old sequences I've seen countless times before... except that this time it's with American faces and extremely graphic violence... and starring Daniel Wu.

What is keeping me coming back is also the plot. Yeah it's stupid.. but now I'm hooked and have to find out what happens next. "It's loosely based on Journey to the West" What? I haven't seen that yet. Now I sort of have to watch even more. To me it's got that Slavery times feel (rewritten in a way that  almost omits racism... it's just oppression in general) and that Game of thrones feel... not that I watched that show much. I was about to watch it but then they killed Sean Bean. Legends and Into the Badlands... two shows that I am forced to watch because of their stars.

I hope this is Daniel Wu's breakthrough to Hollywood or at least American shows though.

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