Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Martial Artsy Saturday

Yesterday we had a huge turnout at the park for our class. Noah actually followed along for all of Sup Ji (the first Kung Fu form.) The other kids lost interest in that but the adults did it, and I figure the kids will just be socialized to it. After that we did itsy bitsy spider and going on a lion hunt and wheels on the bus. It was pretty fun. One of the father's had done Shaolin Kung Fu before. It sounded like the modern Northern Shaolin stuff.

In the afternoon, I traveled to Salem for a Lion dance at a Silat/Eskrima/Kung Fu school there. It was sort of a 10 year anniversary party.

At home Noah built a tent with Mommy. They had a lot of fun, but I think it became too much for Grace. I don't think I should go on any long trips like that again. Not until the children are old enough to come with me.  I.e. out of their car seats.

So I had a very martial artsy Saturday. Now for the rest of the weekend!

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