Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A haunting misunderstanding.

The other day I was working on something or other, when Jonah ran to me crying. I tried to fifure out what it was that was scaring him. Occasionally he will suddenly become scared of this toy or that toy after staring at it's face for too long.
"The girl."
"What girl. Show me the girl."
"Right there." he said as I followed him over to the other room. He was pointing at black space

After asking him to point several times he said, next to the door. The girl with the sad face. What color is her hair? Brown. Is she a little girl or a big girl? She's a big girl like mommy.

Of course Jonah is two so his answers weren't that clear and I wanted to make sure I wasn't putting words in his mouth by asking yes or no questions. But I was becoming mildly disturbed. I do happen to believe in spirits and ghosts. But since different cultures have different opinions of them, I no longer believe that they necessarily have to be destroyed, or that they necessarily exist outside of our minds. Or rather they exist in our Mind but does the mind exist outside of the brain? Well the main point is, could I just ignore this? Was I being effected negatively in anyway? I suppose I was making some poor decisions recently and those books that were missing and would suddenly appear was weird. Grace was all for these items being moved by spirits.
But my beliefs are that spirits can only act through human action. So either way it was Jonah moving the objects around. Noah didn't see what Jonah saw and neither did Grace...

Then the next day he started talking about that girl again. Except it was now a boy and a girl. And I found  some duplo faces of a boy on one side and a girl on the other. We had put them in the closet of scaring things along with Hulk, a dinosaur, and some snacks. Snacks on scary, but the scary things protect the snacks. Anyway, I guess these duplos which are no more than a cubic inch or so in size fell out and onto the floor. Ahhhh. I guess that makes more sense than ghosts. But it was funny that we believed it was a ghost to the point where we were at least mildly freaked out by Jonah seeing something. But again, it wasn't completely his imagination either. He saw a physical plastic thing. But I was looking for a picture on the wall or something. Not a duplo lying on the ground. Actually at first I thought he was talking about the Rapunzel doll on the mantle until he told me that was not it.

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