Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Outside the Box on Boston common

This art festival is great. Yesterday I took Jonah down there before 12pm before everything starts. At first I was confused that I didn't see anything but we still went to that tadpole playground which has little sprinklers. Then the big frog pond opened up and we did that for a while. We dried off and I got lunch at the Earl of Sandwich. A bunch of cops and bomb squad people were there too so I knew there was some kind of event.. more than what I had seen. The stages opened and the performs started blasting music, and I walked past the not normal car on a pole towards the beacon hill area. There was this huge section called Knucklesbones which was all types of kids toys, platform mazes, stilts, tightrope, and bladder ball but all for little kids to the didn't get hirt. There was also bean bags and this other game similar to bean bags except you throw these two golf balls attached with a string. I stuck to the rubber balls because when the balls are hard it is basically a weapon. In fact it looks a lot like a weapon you would see in a ninja or batman movie to through at somone's feet and trip them. I was thinking that they are much smaller than ninchucks put could be used similarly. I might have to make a pair for myself. I mean I could carry them in my pocket and used them as both a toy and possibly a weapon if necessary. Heck Noah and Jonah could just play with it in the stroller and then I could just grab it from them if I needed it. It looks like to make one as pretty as the one's they had I would need a drill though. And that seems like to much work. Or I should say, too dangerous work.

Anyway, Jonah painted a "hippy bag" and then we headed back to Chinatown. He fell asleep. it was 2pm and the festival ends everyday this week at 4pm. I pulled Noah out of school early. He was pretending to nap anyway, and we went back to the festival and did all the things that I knew he would like doing which Jonah could not do because he is too little. Then we watched a puppet show. Oh yeah, earlier there was this Japanese puppet show. I recognized a lot of the songs, but we had to leave because Jonah was scared of the old man monster that was the main character. We also watched a clown show called Jest in Time.
There was Indian dancing which I watched from afar and then a bit of modern dance just as I was leaving to pick up Noah. I don't really know what it was about, but if I had to guess, the young women dancing and then a crowd of young women crawling out wearing a translucent red cloth... I think it had something to do with "becoming a woman." It was kind of freaky and strange to me though. But Jonah wasn't scared of it. He wasn't really into it either and it wasn't to my taste. But everyone else seemed to be mesmerized.
At the end of the day we watched a "Strange Fruit" performance. The reference to the song is kind of gruesome but the performance was not. People were dressed in early 19th century type clothing (I think) only with circus colors and make up. The were on top of huge poles that bent and they did dancy acrobatic moves to music. It was cool.There was rock music, country music, various traditional music. I enjoyed it. I'll try to go back on Saturday. Yesterday wore us all out.

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