Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Thursday, August 27, 2015


I used to suck at sales. Where little children would gladly go door to door selling raffle tickets or girl scout cookies or bars of chocolate for their school or Chinese school or whatever, I hated doing such a thing to the point where I just didn't do it, I bought all the raffle tickets myself.
Later working as a bank teller I couldn't bring myself to push products on people that I believed were designed to be fee traps. Or why try to get people to open an account when they didn't want one? Or even if they did have a product that was good, like a free checking or something like that, heck I felt like if they really wanted one they would ask.

But sales are the one thing that it always seems they are hiring people for. Especially the mostly commission type of sales.

Then I thought, "I might not be a salesman, but at one point a long time ago I did like acting on stage." In other words, I can play a part and say lines. Which means I can pretend to be a salesman.

Which means eventually I can learn to do sales.

Grace laughed at me.

"Yeah you can be the type of salesman that's real angry and mean and nasty."

I'm not sure what she means  by all that. Perhaps I can be shy and not naturally friendly.

But if I had a product I believed in, that people really needed, like Software of some sort, I could sell that. Because it's something people wanted anyway.

Then I though of all the things that people buy which they don't need. Even things that I buy that I don't need. I'm not just talking about Consumerism. But say, Religion. People bought that. I bought that. In fact, I would still buy it tomorrow if mu kids would come with me and I felt that over all it was good for me.

Then I realized just how bad at sales I had been.

I do have something that I believe in that I have dedicated my life to and dedicated my children's life too. Kung Fu.

Basically I had kids to teach them Kung Fu. In a way, I had kids because I was so bad at selling Kung Fu to other kids that weren't mine.

I have said on this blog and out loud that Kung Fu is not for everybody. But I don't believe that.

I really believe that everybody needs Kung Fu. They just need it for different reasons and to varying degrees.

Not only that, but I don't believe that everyone needs to find their own system and their own teacher.  I would like to believe that you can learn by yourself, or that you can learn anywhere. Especially because when I hear people talk about how doing Kung Fu somewhere else makes them feel or how great  there lives have improved, I believe them and I am really happy for them.

However, when I see people do their Kung Fu, basically I believe everyone would improve greatly if they had lessons from me. I actually believe that, But it is the most arrogant cocky thing to say.

Your a Wushu Champion? Yeah you would be better if I taught you.

You are an MMA Champion? Yeah you would be better if I taught you.

You are out of shape and can barely walk down the street? You are overweight and injured?

Guess what?

You would be better if I taught you.

If people heard this they would think "Who they hell is this guy and who the hell does he think he is?" But this is what I actually believe in my head. In fact it's more than what I believe. It's what I know.
But it sounds so crazy that I keep it to myself.

I couldn't even sell what I know to be good for the world.

I even believe that Kung Fu.. MY Kung Fu could change the world for the better. Maybe not the way renewable energy can change the world for the better or the way software can change the world or new cancer treatments or any new technology. But I do believe that socially, spiritually, and health wise, my Kung Fu lessons can change the world.

But I don't even attempt to sell it to everyone I know because I get embarrassed.

Well I'm going to change that, if not to change the world, than to change myself and make myself a better salesman. Of course I did the math and even if I became excellent at selling Kung Fu, there is only so much Kung Fu I can teach in a given time to a certain amount of people and there is a limit on what I can charge realistically. I still believe it's more important to make my kids really good at Kung Fu than to teach strangers so, even if I became successful in my plan, my income would not be that high. But it would be more than I make now right?

And hopefully, it can help me to learn to sell anything. And then I can make real money and teach Kung Fu to people I have time for.

I mean if I was a millionaire I would teach Kung Fu. So why not teach Kung Fu to try and become a millionaire?

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