Kung Fu and Love

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Monday, January 12, 2015

Why keeping Tsarnaev alive could be useful

It's not that I don't believe in the death penalty necessarily, or even torture. Actually I guess hypothetically I don't believe in torture or the death penalty or torture, but when you govern sometimes you will do things you don't believe in. I don't believe in swearing in front of my kids, or ignoring them. But I often do.

It's not that I believe in mercy for Tsarnaev either.

If it's revenge you want, torture him or something. Whatever.

But the thing is it could be useful for the government to study Tsarnaev and maybe turn him to it's uses. Not to eventually release him. But shouldn't people who analyze how terrorists think, or who are trying to counter homegrown terror, use Tsarnaev and what he thinks now as a source of knowledge? I mean 40 years later maybe there will be nothing of him left to study. Then you can execute him and it still wouldn't be too late right?

Couldn't we use him in some way to prevent others from becoming bombers?

It strikes me odd that nobody else seems to think like this. Everyone wants closure. But the thing is, there are constantly people running of to join Isis or something from something they read online. So there will never be closure. To say there will be closure means world peace and Utopia right?

I'm not saying that is impossible. I'm just saying that is what putting this behind us would be. There will always be some new attack coming up, there will always be new innocent victims. So the best way is to do what we can to stop the ones who haven't done it yet, and that means getting into their heads right?

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