Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Sifu's passing

I'm going to start writing my blog again...because I really have no excuse not to. I was working on a book, butbI keep starting and stalling and part of it was I wanted to keep the rough drafts more current...but to tell the truth I will probably just start all over. My Sifu, Woo Ching, recently past away recently and that has been occupying much of my thoughts recently...with regards to my Kung Fu and also with regards to my writing. The most famous martial arts masters...like say Wong Fei Hung...or Musashi...are famous mostly because if literature. Writing, stories, movies. And so I do think it is important to write that book about my Sifu. I had collected stories and they are scattered around on this and other blogs. But maybe it is important to collect something that is specifically for the school. There should be an English and Chinese part to it...but honestly....those do not have to be translations of each other...just separate versions of a story collected into one book that gets passed on to students... maybe even a "secret book" and interestingly...for me...this book would actually not be a collection of techniques as most people would assume....but of stories. In fact, I had always felt that the techniques associated with stories were stronger in terms of being able to teach something and pass it down quickly. Our art contains such stories from times past that so far as to he foreign.. but also events more recent where my Sifu or a Si Hing was just recounting something that happened to them...and the story has a physical technique as well as a life lesson to go with it. That kind of stuff is important for the next generation to have access too. 

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