Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Legends with Sean Bean

I saw an ad for this show on Youtube. Holy Crap Sean Bean is in his own show! But I can't watch this with the kids. I better just leave it to the side. But then last night Grace said, "I bought this show for you. It has that guy you like." What! So we watched it, putting the kids in the other room with PBS kids and then with the computer because they came in and couldn't stop talking. Sean Bean looks slower in hus fight scenes, and older when flirting, "Aiya Too Old!" when he says to his female boss , "Is that the only reason you're mad at me?"
So what it's Sean Bean.

The show is stupid really. At one point, this female boss, to save Sean Bean, or let him know that the bad guys know he is a spy for the FBI she goes in as a stripper. I knew this was coming because the same thing happened in X-men, the one set in the 60's. Only such a thing would happen in a guys tv show, where the woman is pretending to be a stripper and at the same time whispering spy stuff in Sean Bean's ear.

"This is so stupid." Grace laughed.

"Cause it's a show for guys."

"I don't even understand what's going on right now."

"It doesn't matter." and just then Sean Bean started fucking shit up and shooting people. And I started singing the theme to Sharpe's Rifles over their stupid other music and Grace joined me.

"I can't take it." Grace says, "Why is it he is acting so well and everyone else is sooo bad. It's uneven."

"That's the only work he can get." I was thinking that a movie with another really good actor who doesn't seem to be getting consistent good work would be good. Like Sean Bean and Samuel L. Jackson. It seems like Al Pacino hasn't been in anything recently either.

Thing is, Sean Bean spent his youth doing the BBC movies. Then when he came obver hear he was a little old. But it isn't just that. His face looks a little too harsh for American Movie stars. But that's what's so bad ass. But they end up killing him off or the show is cancelled like that show that was on ABC, where he actually started off as dead and then came back.

That show had the other unfortunate thing of making him speak in only an American accent.

In Legends they cleared that up right away. He's got an American Accent character with a stutter, to show off his acting skills. And then he's got his other character who is still American but has parents that were stationed overseas so he ended up with "a cool accent."

"That explains that." laughed Grace.

But it enables him to have his scenes where he can be all bad ass and whisper to the bad guy with his hand on the detonator, "Go ahead, do it." all quiet Yorkshire and fucked up like, "Oh no... you wanted me to do it and you just watch eh?"


Today we were talking about the same thing and I mentioned that Criminal Minds, her favorite show, is just all bad actors.
"Yeah cause it's on the same level." Grace said, "You can't have just him be the whole show."

But in fact that's what the show is.

Grace did some research and apparently there is a campaign #don'tkillseanbean.

I think these were the clips she showed me. Or close enough.

Of course I had wanted a campaign to bring Sean Bean to Downton Abbey and switch things up a little. But whatever. I guess this is better.

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