Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Monday, October 21, 2013

A new Dragon Dance and Art disease

I created a new sort of dragon dance. I'm sure someone in all of China and it's long history did this before but I'm just saying I made this up on my own I didn't inherit the art from anyone. It was born out of Mr. K in stars classroom not wanting me to have the kids do "Kung Fu" or to even call it "Kung Fu" but I needed something to finish up the class that worked on individual expression and taking turns. They were making up their own forms. I spent a feverish day making cardboard dragons, and came to the conclusion that instead of a dragon and a tail, that a kid could do his or her own sort of individual dragon dance with just the head. This lead to a a lot of work in my head while it looked like I was watching my kid or staring of into space in terms of developing this idea. Maybe a ton of people could make their own heads and they could connect to make one big dragon or all heads. Wait if they all moved like one animal anyway, maybe there was no need to connect them. And then finally, screw it just have them dance whatever they want to dance with that one head. Hey maybe I could mass produce them and sell them!
Then the idea was put on the back burner, especially as my little cardboard heads became more and more damaged and I eventually considered throwing them away. Especially as I didn't see how I could make money from the idea. But the dragons still pulled attention whenever Noah and I brought them out. Yes these taped up crude things were the envy of every passing JP child who wanted to throw down whatever expensive toy they were playing with to hold the dragon that I shaped from garbage, feverishly, as if in a trance. It came to the point where every piece of cardboard or stick or recycling item looked like a potential dragon. It is a sickness that I need to keep in check. Imagine what my living space would look like if I were allowed to go completely off the deep end with my ideas? I often forget to eat and become physically week when doing this stuff. It reminded me a little of art classes in highschool.

Anyway, This past Saturday I fixed two old heads together on a wooden stick. At one point in the class I had the kids playing with a different (child safe) weapon each week. But as the class grew I became afraid of allowing them to do this because maybe one child would not listen and run into the child swinging the weapon. You really had to make a distinct sideline where come children waited, and a stage or area where others performed. Aha! An individual Dragon dance would still need this, and some of the moves could be "martial" but they didn't have to be! In other words, since this would be a new thing I wouldn't really have to "teach" the kids the "proper" way to do it. It would be more like the painting classes I did in college where the teacher makes suggestions, shows you other artists works and guided you as you found your own path. There wasn't right and wrong. There was good and bad (but really all children's stuff is pretty good as long as they are laughing and really expressing themselves with the Dragon and working their muscles. They aren't afraid, the way adults might be, of making a fool of themselves, and so everything they do, is in a way, perfect. Mainly my instruction would be about safe and unsafe ways to do the Dragon Dance... for now anyway. It was great. It made me go into another fever where I wanted to make another adult sized Dragon head of this style for myself, wasting energy time, and  some duct tape.... because in the end I decided to scrap what I had put together. Something to work on in my brain I guess until the kids get outgrow the cruder dragon head I have already made.

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