Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Americans.. "Did you have to do that?"

This episode was pretty cool for a martial artist, because not only does Elizabeth kill a dude in a self defense situation, but Paige was there and is new to all this and is like, "Did you have to do that?"

Of course the argument is played out both in the street scenario as well as on the global scale as their mission is to get biological weapons.

Real philosophical... and honestly, it's sort of not clear. They could have just run away and probably not killed the guy.. but Paige would have just stayed there stunned and might have gotten hurt. So Elizabeth having the skills, did what needed to be done. There was no time to think. If she didn't have those skills maybe they would be dead... or, maybe they would have found another way as well. One of those ways might have been getting raped. Maybe it could have just been giving over money. And maybe they could have fought (and died or or seriously injured) or fought with minor injuries or maybe even out run them. How fast can those bums run?

All what if.

But when your weapon, instead of some hand techniques, is a biological weapon you don't even have any control over, or you don't have the finances and facilities to properly control.. woah that's scary.

I guess I missed last weeks episode because of being all worried over the kids being sick and all that. Seems like so long ago.

Plus we've been hooked on Samurai movies and now, Inuyasha. More on the joys of watching Inuyasha with the kids next post.

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