Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Paper Tigers.

I 've been making a ton of Lion head or Dragon head like creatures with Paper mache. In fact I also started making weapons, like swords out of paper mache too. It was pretty cool because I feel like I am creating a whole Moh Goon, a whole fantasy Kung Fu world.. out of paper.

There is a saying that a paper tiger can't stand up in the rain. But frankly, none of the Kung Fu weapons... or really not even guns can stand up in modern warfare. I mean yeah we still use guns and even bayonets. But that's not going to cut it against tanks and missiles.

The point is, your sword might as well be made out of paper. It's a lot cheaper. Maybe it takes a lot of time to make, but that was a fun little arts and craft exercise.

The problem is I really need to paint these things now, and I keep obsessing that they look cracked or this or that.

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