The other day I was working out near Green Street playground. First just taking it easy inside the playground, then shirtless in the cold and quick moving overlooking the tracks while Jonah was to play with leaves. He ended up opting to just run up and down the small hill with me and do his Kung Fu as well. But eventually he wanted to go back into the playground. I felt like it would be inappropriate for me to be shirtless and inside the playground, even though being outside the playground was mere feet away. And I didn't want my shirt to become soaked with sweat because I didn't have another one, so re-entering the playground area signaled an end to my work out. As we walked back over I noticed another guy doing Kung Fu too. It looked like a Southern System similar to Hung Gar. I figured me and Jonah would go over and say hi even though he was a stranger. But as I got closer he seemed to look at me as if he knew me and signaled for a pen. And then I realized I did know him. Not well. He had studied at Woo Ching White Crane before my time there. He had done stuff before and done stuff afterward and now I guess he was meeting up with a student to teach him in the park. He hadn't recognized my face from that distance but some of the techniques that I was doing in free form were actually from a form he had learned and performed whiel at Woo Ching White Crane. So he recognized me more from the moves I was doing then my facial features, which from that distance you can not necessarily make out. I thought this was funny because it's just like those old Kung Fu movies where one character recognizes another's form and then knows they are related through schools somehow even though they have never seen each other before. Of course if your style of Kung Fu becomes so wide spread that 90% of the population does the same forms, then this is somewhat meaningless. This is why I think forms can serve a purpose other than just fighting moves, preparation, performance and art. They can also act as a type of secret handshake... unless everyone knows it of course.
But then even if you put a form up on youtube and somebody "steals it" there will be the way in which they do the form. You would still be able to tell if they really learned from a real instructor or not. But there are so many instructional videos of forms out there for free that it is unlikely that someone would bother trying to learn one of our forms unless they already did our system and were specifically interested in our forms already.
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