Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A dream of Asian Women, Chocolates, and Politics

This morning I was practicing Kung Fu in the bathroom. At some point Grace woke up.
"I just had a dream and you were in it," she said.

"We all had to go to this women's only dinner. Well not women's only but it was you know an Asian Women's support type of thing. C.C. and S.D. were running it and for some reason it was in Chicago. We all had to sit in a circle on the floor and we each got these little box dinners and they looked like bento boxes."

I hadn't eaten breakfast yet so I was kind of hungry and this dream of bento boxes was sounding pretty good.

"But then," Grace continue, "we opened them and surprise! since it was a woman's dream dinner the whole dinner was chocolate."

"What?" I said starting to get pissed at Grace's dream.

"Yeah! and that's just how you were. Everyone was like 'yeaaaa! Chocolate!' and they had chocolate cake and all these other types of fancy chocolate and I think we all had to pay $35 or something like that and you were like, 'That's it? This is dinner?' and then while all these women were eating their chocolate and talking about politics and supporting each other you were like, 'uh I have to go to the bathroom.' And then for some reason I had X-ray vision or something like that so I could see your whole bathroom routine. You were, you know finishing up when you saw something on the floor. And I could see it was something like a turkey sandwich or a ring ding," Grace continued making the gestures to help tell the story, "so you bent over and picked it up and then you took a bite. And then I could see that immediately after you did this you realized that this was probably not a good idea. So you threw the rest off the sandwich in the trash. But you kept eating the part you had bitten off even though you got it from the bathroom floor.
Then you came back and sat next to me and you were still chewing and you had to listen to C.C. and S.D. and all these women cheering and giving each other political advise on how to support what candidate and how to organize and all there was to eat was CHOCOLATE!" Grace finished with emphasis.

I started laughing. "Okay I'm totally blogging about this."

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