Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The power (and danger) of Bruce Lee

I came up with a great way to entertain the kids in my class. I have a Bruce Lee routine that I teach them. There is a form that I do which is four basic moves with Bruce Lee stuff in between. But I also broke down the front and side kicks Bruce Lee style. It's great because instead of doing say, 20 kicks, I only do like three. First two are slow and the last one is a fast "Waaatahhh!!!!!"

It's mostly posing.

But I didn't notice the kids just couldn't stop. So I made a rule that there would bne no Lei siu long or watahhh if they didn't show me that they could stop and do breathing meditation and control their bodies.

But Lo and behold today I actually got a talking to. Turns out the parents have been complaining ever since I started the Bruce Lee sequences that their children have self radicalized into Bruce Lee monsters at home, watahhh-ing all over the house.

I am told from now on only to teach the Kung Fu as an exercise and no more li xiao long.

It is kind of funny because the Bruce Lee section is mostly poses where as say in the wheels on the Bus sequence we actually do eye gouges, throat strikes, groin grabs and what not. So in a way, it's the spirit and the feeling that is far more dangerous than moves themselves. I guess that was always true about Kung Fu. No sequence of moves can take over a country, but getting people frothing at the mouth and working together totally can.

Well, sorry Bruce Lee, gonna have to put you to the side again.

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