Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Man of the House

So apparently Jonah has stepped up in the parenting role. He has taken it upon himself to read to Noah (the older brother) at night and even marked off Noah's required reading, initialing the homework J.C. in the parent's initials section.

He also has been known to set out Noah's toothbrushes and get his socks. 

On the one hand, Noah should do this himself. 

On the other hand... what the hell do they need me for? I mean if it was legal I think Jonah could take Noah to school. I guess they need me for food. And then if they could find some sort of way to create income.. seriously that's it? That was a quick childhood.

I wonder if this is some sort of evolution. I mean Darwin's theory was actually pretty slow and I think the trend nowadays is towards Darwin blended with Lemark, and what I am going to suggest is way quicker than any of that and super unscientific... 
But I remember when my dad died when I was four, some guy (I don't even remember who he was, a doctor or something) was like, "Well now your the man of the house. You have to take care of your mother."

Could it be that my genes created a sperm that would produce a child that at around the age of five (well maybe even four because Dai dai has been taking care of Noah and Grace for a while now. Maybe a year.) that had genetic coding that would kick in to become the man of the house? He kills bugs for Grace, puts Noah to bed, and provides the dopamine reactions in Grace through snuggling that for the emotional glue of the family. Before he was campaigning for elder sibling. But why stop there? Shoot high to hit low. Why not just run for head of household?

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