Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
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Thursday, May 19, 2016

"The Americans" Munchkins

So just finished this episode. Pastor Tim was missing so everyone wanted to blame the Russian Spies.. which duh, makes sense right? And then Agent Gad dies because he tried to run for it when the KGB wanted to talk to him. I'm thinking... did Gad do the right thing? I mean what's worse, to die because you fell through some glass? or to work with the KGB? I mean I think for a guy like Gad.... it was probably just better to die. Because he didn't betray his country and if you are an FBI guy that is probably what matter most to you. He was oldish anyway.

But it's surprising he didn't even want to talk to them at all.

Plus I can't believe he wasn't more.. I don't know, prepared? I mean your in Thailand dude...and your an FBI agent, retired yeah but still.

Phillip was talking to the girl he's using who is daughter of a CIA agent, and he is sort of talking to her like she is his own daughter Paige. He doesn't  want her to tell him the secret, that her father told her. It's so weird, all the incestuousness of the relationships. It ends up that you are closer emotionally to your enemies than you are to your country... the people giving you orders who really know nothing about being in the field.

I wonder how much of this is even remotely based on anything though. I mean from what I've read, most spy work is actually really mundane.. unless you get caught of course... that is by the Russians. We seem to treat the spies we catch pretty well. I mean that couple in Cambridge and the kids were just sent back to Russia. It wasn't like they were tortured to death. Hell they didn't even go to prison. Come to think of it, we treat our own citizen's ... our own children much worse. They can get very heavy sentences just for selling some drugs that are legal for companies to sell. And sometimes we even shoot them dead for virtually nothing. But spies... they just go home. Well I guess we got something for that though. Interesting when you think about it that way.

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