Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Inspiration for "The Americans"

So Grace showed me this article about these spies Russian spies that were in Cambridge in 2012. The article just came out now though. The spies and the kids who were born in Canada are back in Russia. This made me think that despite people freaking out over Trump threatening to kick out people who were born here and therefore citizens (these kids were Canadians but whatever) the point is that if we really want to, even now, we send you back to where your parents came from.... and for those who think it's about race... no even if you are white you go back to Russia if we think it's necessary, no matter what the law says.

Anyway, so I was thinking, is this the inspiration for starting the FX series the Americans? AN dthis happened in Cambridge under Putin's Russia? I.e., not Soviet Russia. Different flag but basically same stuff yeah?

Then, being who I am, a martial artists and a fan of "the Americans" I was like, "Wouldn't it be freaking cool, I mean if they didn't have to be sent back, if they opened up a martial arts school? Like how to be a modern Ninja basically. I mean I don't know if these guys were doing what they do in the show the Americans. They were mainly convicted of dropping stuff of and picking stuff up, not like killing people to 80's music and banging everyone to get them to tell their secrets or betray their country..... or breaking bones to fit women in suitcases. But anyway. Maybe a class on that stuff wouldn't be cool. But wouldn't like hand to hand combat classes from an actual spy, even if they were Russian, be kind of cool? I mean wouldn't that be great for marketing too? I guess that's sort of what Systema is.. which people claim is actually Tai Chi or something but who cares? ANyway. Psyched for the new episode in 30 minutes.

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