Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Getting Ready for Wake up the Earth

So assuming it doesn't rain on the parade, we will be lion dancing in the Wake up the earth parade. I plan to bring out the bid head this year. Of course the "Big" Head will be dwarfed by the Curley lion head that is being made. Apparently the head alone will be 5 feet tall and the bady and wings on the body will be huge as well. I'm not going to be the drum because at 1pm, I still have to teach a Kung Fu class in Chinatown. So if the Parade starts at 11am (or a little later) by the time the parade gets to Stony Brook, I will have to take the T in to Chinatown to get there in time for my class and Noah's Volleyball lesson and all that. Then what to do? I guess we T it back into JP for the rest of the Festival. Grace seems to be going to the Taiwan Festival in Newton. But I already know that Wake Up the Earth is going to be more kid friendly. Maybe she'll go to that me and Noah and possibly Jonah will do Wake up the Earth. ....Maybe Jonah will go with Grace fro some Mommy time.
It's going to be a tight weekend. What I really want to do is get some footage of me and Noah doing some sort of Lion dance up to the Giant Curley Lion. Maybe I'll add in Drumming later.

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