Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Friday, March 3, 2017

Lions and Dragons and Drums

I wrote this book, Lions and Dragons and Drums...and I don't know what to do with it. It is actually the reincarnation of another book of mine that I also did not know what to do with... The Nian, Lion Dance, and the Chinatown Gate.

Just glancing through some of the chapter titles fills me with a sense of dread, because ultimately these books are about the experiences seared into my brain from the first four years of my life, most notably, my father's death and the feelings of being alone with my mother.

They are not BAD memories at all. They are actually quite magical bt at times depressing and melancholy.

Seeing my second son, and to look at him is like looking in the mirror, I recognize the same melancholy and simultaneously joyful disposition even as he is in THIS environment with Both parents and much sunshine and a house made of wood in a suburban like setting that is still within the City of Boston's borders.

Mostly I looked these books up again because I plan on writing yet another book that I will also not know what to do with about Cheung Bo Tsai's lover/adopted mother in law, Ching Shih. And as it turns out many have written about her, namely Jorge Luis Borges.

My book, I thought at first, might be extremely violent and pornographic. Why not? but then as I read Paulo Coelho' s fictional account of Matta Hari's life, I see that perhaps it can be more like that. Alluding and telling things without going into explicit detail.

All of these books along with this one called Yoga Fu, were part of this idea to start a Pirate Kung Fu School. or Pirate Buddhism. And with Grace bringing another idea to these ideas she had scoffed when I first started making the Pirate Kung Fu Songs

Which admittedly may have been brought on by heat stroke... well of these books were meant to complement Kung Fu training that was pirate themed. 

Why Pirate? 

The uniform of a pirate is easy to create. It is one of the most childish forms of dress up/cosplay. 

Also Pirates imply that you stole the Kung Fu.. which means that you can use whatever you want. It is also a fun shortcut to enlightenment. Like you could steal it somehow. 

It also doesn't require a brick and mortar school. Yes you can have locations that are bases, but if you are in, you can just meet there. And the locations can move. You can use secret codes. And when someone says, "Hey you guys aren't legitimate, you are not licensed, your lineage is made up."

Dude we're pirates. 

And my goal was to be like that and simultaneously be MORE helpful to society and more legitimate in my transmission of my ideas of the eight fold path than many of the more "legitimate" religions... which are actually more like cults when examined, despite all the money and nice retreats in the Poconos. My whole idea was Enlightenment for the common person in THIS reality. 

Well please read my books. Maybe at some point I will touch them up and publish them and sell them. But for now there they are for free in those links. 

And I plan on writing another soon. About Ching Shih.

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