Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Monday, January 23, 2017

Swords and weapons dancing

To work on my forearms I have been doing sword cuts with this unbalanced metal thing I bought at a street market in Krakow... in the house... which is probably a bad idea. I can't decide if bringing it outside would be a worse idea. I would love to bring it into the woods and have a spiritual experience with the sun shining off the metal. But I am concerned about someone calling the police.

I have other weapons I dance around with in the house. They are a sword, a tomahawk and a knife. Why these? Mainly because they were cheap... and real enough. For certain they won't break. They aren't that useful... though I used the tomahawk to open up a coconut the kids bought in Worcester.

I love sword... or the idea of swords, and I like the idea of the magic sword. Light sabers, Excalibur, whatever. Guan Gong's sword wasn't magic. But in the three kingdoms. Zhuge Liang does pull out a sowrd and point it at a star and recite some incantation like the sword is a wand. I found that pretty bad ass, even though he collapses and fails pretty soon after that.

The idea of the weapon as a ritual tool is cool to me.

The title of this post is "dancing" instead of a "form" because even though I do martial moves (moves that can be used in a fight) what I really want to do more of is to dance and jump around more (I just don't have space.) and do less cuts and thrusts. To move slowly and stalk the imaginary demons of my own mind and cut off their heads.

I have been going more in that direction with the creation of other animals dances, my Rooster Dance, and my Ax Dragon and Spear Dragon.... plus this is just easier to "teach" You show kids some stances (which they may or may not use and then hand them the thing made of paper mache and a stick....

But there is no reason (except safety reasons) why at some point, when they are strong enough to hold the metal and wise enough not to cut themselves, that they can't do the same with the bladed weapons.... or perhaps a paper mache version of such.

Having the sharp weapon does make you focus in a way that a pool noodle doesn't.

Well for them it's a long way off to tell the truth.

And even adults take some time to develop the interest and focus.

I guess this is just for myself more than anything else. My fantasy, my  mind.. and my forearms and core.

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