Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Friday, September 1, 2017


I have been belting out Nam yi Dong ji kerng a) because it works as a self affirmation chant/prayer, and b) it is the most likely song I would perform and you need to practice it, as can be seen by this video where I tried to sing it after doing a form and ended up being a voice cracking mess.

I would also not sing it Karaoke style because my range us different. I fill out my lungs and engage my core using the Opera style lessons Derrick Gay gave me in high school.

It's like Chi Gung really, or rather, simply is.

I have been working on a Jazz version on the piano too. (When playing a lot if Chinese or African American music, one can get a lot done by just hitting the black keys only...ponder that.)

Playing the piano has made me realize how hard it is. I mean even banging simple notes is difficult what with the right and left hand playing simultaneously.
It makes me wonder how the he'll piani players can't just play the Lion Dance drum automatically. I mean one note and one place to hit, unless you count hitting the side or the sticks which are really nothing but flourish.

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