Dude I am too young for this.
But actually this is not the first time I had Hemorrhoids. The first time that was super noticeable was like ten years ago, and I attributed to lifting weights. But thus time it's bad.
Like having to stick the little bullet up your butt now, which was more of an existential experience than one would think.
Humbling us the word. Especially with the knowledge that people gibthrough much more for exams or for fun.
Personally I flashed back to the old way ones temperature was take and I hated it.
But mostly what I thought about was Buddhism vs. Medieval Christianity.
In Buddhism one must accept change or suffer.
I should accept that my body is aging (more rapidly than my wife who is older) and understand that this is part of life, this bleeding out of one's butt.
Or I can think that this pain is sent by God to punish and purify me for my sins.
I'm kind of going with the second one here and the sin is obviously not eating enough vegetables and allowing Amah to make me feel bad for drinking water.
And the cute us going to be not prayer so mucha vengeful wrath upon the way of life that caused thus, because like I said I'm too young for this B.S.
All chips and cookies and expired foods are going in the trash. Eventually.
Because there us simply not enough room.
Fruits and vegetables.
And I gave to tend to this nastiness, which compared to some people's issues is pretty minor.
But if this hurts that much there is no way I am going to progress to have some ridiculous kind of pain when I am in my 50's.
Nor an I going to be ashamed to face it and even talk blog about it.
And let it be a lesson to my kids to eat their vegetables or suffer the consequences of butt hurting.
But mostly I am wondering, while I squat like an old man in a witch hazel solution, unable to get out of said squat without using my arms and the old lady handle bar on the Jacuzzi, a contraption that was created for adventures with hot naked women, not bleeding but hemorrhoids and pain....
How is THIS who I have become.
I am waiting like Simba for the clouds to part and for My case to scold me royally.
Only Simba's lifestyle at that point was awesome. Carefree hakuna matata wanderer. I mean he needs to face responsibility I guess. But he didn't have no hemorrhoids.
Seriously, I am taking this as a sign or some sort of test, but of what?
In any case pain does seem to have a spiritual side effect for me.
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