Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
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Saturday, December 12, 2015

Dear Trump, I want a train for Christmas

You know, wouldn't it be cool if there was a crazy billionaire out there who was talking about fixing the country in a really business like way, without the xenophobia, wouldn't that be cool.

Let's look at this idea, high speed trains. The kind China has, and the kind you sort of saw in the polar express with the elves going faster than you can fly because of the vacuum tube. I read somewhere they were gonna build these in Cali. Yeah but someone has to pay for it right?

Okay, so with all the Obama care bashing, and wanting to put people back to work and geo political issues, and ideas about building a wall to keep Mexicans (or central Americans coming in from Mexico) here's an idea... build a train.

Chinese Companies would do it. We ain't gonna fight a war with a country if they are helping us build a high speed train.

Blue Collar guys, a lot of angry white guys who are out of work... maybe even me, will build it. Okay non white guys too, but the point is, there is employment.

Instead of building a wall, might as well have the train go right down to Mexico. Why? Jobs in Mexico. Maybe you'll even have white guys jumping the border in reverse to build the train in Mexico. Works better than a wall. Plus a train is easier to police and monitor than a highway. In the future, maybe you can have a worker from Mexico go straight to Maine by train, with his workers Visa, in like 2 hours. And then he can go back to his family in Mexico where the cost of living is cheaper when the work is done. I'm over simplifying, but saying you're going to build a wall is also oversimplifying.

You need tickets to get on trains. You can search trains easier. It's easier to monitor trains for terrorism because you can control the cars and the tracks more easily. Right?


So you say, you want to get rid of Obamacare and instead, people will have insurance because they will be working on this train.

Plus this kind of infra-structure should pay off in the future right? Why doesn't some rich billionaire (I don't know... Bill Gates) run for President on JUST this issue. I mean if Trump would shut up with the quotes that make him sound like a Weimar Republic Hitler maybe I would be a supporter.
Maybe he is just saying that stuff because it's what a lot of people believe....
but he is ACTUALLY saying it, before getting elected. It's scary.
And honestly he's probably going to win.
We saw what happened to Germany under that kind of thinking.

Instead of focusing on all this nasty stuff that reminds us of fallen megalomaniac villain losers, why don't we focus on something that could actually make our country a winner, something to show off. Maybe it will even be a failure. But what's worse, a failed wall or a failed train? A failed war? Or a failed train? What is a failed train? As long as you get the thing built, it will serve some purpose for the country. At the very least in won't create more enemies. I think even Rand Paul, would agree with building a train inside the country.

Who ever said they wanted a wall for Christmas?

 Fast trains are cool and potentially more useful.

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