Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Saturday, June 7, 2014


This morning Grace made awesome breakfast for the family. Somehow I came in to eat later and Jonah said, "Baba here eat this egg!"

"Mommy wants you to eat this egg yourself."

"No but you eat it!"

So finally I leaned over the table and ate it off his fork.

"Did you like it?"

"Yes they tasted good."

"He threw those up." Grace said.


"It was one of those guttural throw ups too. That's why he wanted you to eat them. Look at his face."

Jonah smiled mischievously. I guess he knew I hadn't been there for his throw up, he knew I was the only one who was not there and he knew that he had to get rid of those eggs somehow. He didn't want to eat them. So what to do? I know. Baba.

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