I was thinking of some things that would spice up a Chinatown summertime festival like the Main Street Festival and the august Moon Festival. These could be either at stands or could be used to stall on the main stage. But sometimes the Main stage actually ends up behind schedule. But the good thing is these little ideas are flexible.
1. An old Drum for Audience members or people passing by to try.
It would be nice if someone who knew how to drum were there to man this one. And I'm sure whichever school bring south the old drum would want it taken care of relatively well. But theoretically, any volunteer could man this drum. Just make sure nobody steals it for some reason, or hits it with anything but the drum sticks used for hitting that drum.
2. Other Lion Dance and Kung Fu equipment for passersby to use.
This might be trickier as heads are more delicate. And when it comes to hit pads or Wing Chun Dummies there might be insurance or legal issues involved. Probably would take more care to man this station. Still though something to think about.
3. Ho Yi station.
Okay so you can make cheap PVC pipe bows, and instead of real arrows (which some festivals in other states actually do but I'm not suggesting Boston do.) you should pool noodles. That way, even if it flies off into someone's head, no big deal. Real arrows would be possible in an alley way or something like that. But I think it would definitely require someone who knows what they are doing. And that person is not me.
Anyway, everyone can take turns being Ho Yi and shoot at card board suns. Maybe people holding suns and pretending to get knocked over. (The pool noodles won't go that far.) Heck people could even shoot each other. But it would have to be controlled of course.
4. Moon Lady
Why not have a Moon Lady? She can be like Santa or the Easter Bunny, or the princess at Story land. The Dancing schools already have the costumes. You can go up and ask her what you want for I don't know August Moon. I know gifts are not a thing, but hey we can start. It could be something stupid like candy or moon cakes. Or maybe she could hand out stupid prizes like candy or those cheap insects or army men. Or maybe coupons or cheap free samples from whatever company.
5. Moon Lady again
If a dud dressed up like the moon lady and did stand up comedy, that would be freaking hilarious. Actually stand up comedy is something quite absent from the stalling tactics. This stand up people would probably do it for free right? I mean nobodys. Also Asian nobodys. I guess this is actually the hardest one because maybe in that atmosphere jokes won't be as funny. Maybe a story corner where the Moon Lady reads you books? That would be cool.
Am I just suggesting things without any back up? Hell yes. Because I know I'm not manning any of these stations with two kids. Though if someone gives me a bunch of PVC pipes and pool Noodles and paracord I might do the bow and arrow one, but not for the whole day. I might even make the cardboard suns. Maybe we could just have a bunch of cardboard and paint and making the cardboard suns could be an activity. Or you could make your own bow. Oh yeah I forgot, in addition to pvc pipes and pool noodles and paracord, I will also need a hack saw. Maybe the bows should be made ahead of time after all. Anyway, just some ideas.
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