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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Jackson Square Playground

(Unfortunately I had to send this e-mail to DCR Boston, who is in charge of this playground.)

This playground is awesome. But there are a few hazards, a few which you know about because you put caution tape on it.
However, there is a hole due to a rope in the net that came loose in the net above the orange slide. It is located on the bottom right part of the grid if you were to lay down on the net with your head pointed towards the slide below. If a child slipped through due to kids pushing or rushing over the net they could easily fall through and injure themselves seriously.
Also the rock climbing wall has many loosened finger holds.

This park is great and does a lot to change the neighborhood. It also encourages people to work out. The equipment is brand new so I can only guess that these hazards are due to sabotage, which is unfortunate.
But still it needs to be repaired or at least marked so people know to be more careful or not to just send their kids to the top.


-A Jamaica Plain Parent

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