Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Friday, January 6, 2017


Looking at my blog history I realize that last January I also got really into family history. I guess it is an inevitable product of the Christmas pilgrimage to Philadelphia. I realize too that my Chinatown Blog, is a lot like a family blog, but extended to a community. At least I realize that is what attracts many people to it. Who knew who and what story was different. And I realize that to do the blog I need to be more disciplined about bringing my specialties to the table. ie. Who I know, my ability to interview and then get a story into a post, and obviously coming from a Kung Fu Angle most of the time. 

Pictures, videos, food, current events, music, Hollywood happenings, I did these posts and they often get more hits... but in the end they are not only NOT my strong point. They are more like commercials to the side of the story or article in a magazine that are interesting, but I can't forget about the main narrative. And I have been slacking.

I realize that I have a limited amount of time to achieve things in a day so I have to manage my time well. 

Today I reached out for a bunch of interviews that will hopefully get somewhere and I'm starting to lose productivity hich means it meditation and then reading time. Then I'll start on my fictional stuff. 

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