Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Star Ships by Noah and Jonah Cheung

Title:  Star Ships

By:  Noah and Jonah Cheung

One day a little boy named Noah was making different kinds of star ships.like x-wing star ships.

He wanted to make 100 star ships.x-wing shoot torpedoes and TNT star fighters.

Jonah was excited to fly one of the ships.  A star ship came to attack.

Then the good-guy x-wings battled the bad guy book shooters.

Noah and Jonah defeated the bad guys.

But the new Death Star was still attacking other planets.

It was all up to Noah and Jonah.

They flew into the canyon of the exhaust-port.

Instead of shooting, they crashed into the exhaust-port.

Luckily the ships were not destroyed and they flew away from the Death Star.  It was destroyed.

The world was safe again; all because of Noah and Jonah.


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