Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Friday, March 27, 2015

Oldie but goodie

Okay I guess this video isn't that old. But let me look at some of the things I can see that are different between that me and me now.  I guess Noah was one year old. How the hell did I get away with going to this event? I was just reviewing my forms today I realized I forgot most of Gwan Gung Do. Plus I am pretty sure the pants I am wearing in that uniform are complete tatters. I now wear some golden pants Grace bought online and tie red cloth at the bottom. Plus the kids in this video look closer to being adults now, but they are still kids I guess. I just got to watch a ton of videos on youtube, something I haven't been doing until recently since the kids fall asleep easier now and I have to say this one is a gem worth sharing. Before I wouldn't hgave thought anything of it. But now that I rarely perform any forms, or even go to a banquet like event, I think it's a big deal.

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