Have you ever watched those old Kung Fu movies that were really weak on plot and acting and seemed to spend most of the film and money on training sequences and then the fight scenes? Kill Bill tried to emulate these. Anyway, the student would spend 70% of their training playing with various work out equipment and rocks and waterfalls etc. Then 20% is chores like getting water buckets and other manual labor and then only 10% is forms or plain old basics.
As I followed Jonah around on the playground after dropping off Noah I was trying to get a little work out in. But I felt I had to follow Jonah around, not just leave him to his own devices. Part of it was just emotional as he wanted me to play with him. So the only way I could work out was to work with the playground. So I jumped from thing to other thing, stretched out on the rocks and my Kung Fu moves were shortened when I was underneath play structures. But if I kept working out like that all day, I would probably get pretty good at what I was doing, and indeed there is a lot of strength training and agility that I haven't been working on that would do me some good.
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