Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Party time

Today I had planned to attend two birthday parties. But I only got to one. The first "one" was actually celebrating three birthdays, of three generations, in a family that I am very close with. I imagined that I would go there and pull baby sitting duty and that sort of thing. But my children are now at that age where they can sort of entertain themselves. This party was full of childhood friends, some of whom I hadn't really seen in a decade. So I actually became one of those adults that didn't even touch any of the kids and stood around drinking beer like Hank from King of the Hill and had a pretty good time.
I saw other people holding babies and interacting with kids. But I guess I was so exciting at the notion that I didn't have to do this, that well,  didn't. Plus where as I knew a lot of the adults, none of the kids really knew me, and so they weren't that interested in me, including Noah. Only Jonah was a little bit clingy for a while.

Plus I genuinely felt my kids were safe because a lot of other adults were playing and supervising and being responsible parents while I had boyish conversations with swearwords and off color jokes.

You cannot pay for such interactions.

Well at some point it had to end but it was definitely fun while it lasted.

The food was great, those hosts were great, it was all great. But I guess I really was just glad that I got to spend some time "away" from my kids (Even if it was a few feet away) and with friends. Like actual friends that I knew through knowing them and not activities with my kids or even through grown up activities. These are people that I have known since we were kids and played games like tag and cops and robbers.

Happy birthday to Dylan whose 2nd birthday it was.

And happy birthday to Cameron whose birthday I unfortunately missed, but it is not often that I am able to spend time with my childhood friends who I knew since I was a toddler.

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