Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Snow day tv watching

Jonah was sick and then we had a snow day... which meant that I watched a giod deal of TV. First I finally saw Abacus: small enough to jail.

It kind of made me want to open up an account at the bank just to show support lol. My first bank account was at Asian American Bank. I liked how the symbol was a Kei Lun and I knew a lot of the people who worked there.

I tried to date one of the tellers actually. And then later I would become a bank teller at another bank and get hit on by men and older women.

Asian American Bank got bought out and the owners were pretty freaking happy I think. It was before all the mortgahe trouble and all that. I wonder, if they had not been bought out, if they would have had a similar trial by fire as Abacus did.

Then I watched Wild wild country. Its a documentary about Rashneeshpuram in Oregon which existed between 1981-85.

I never heard of it. Pretty crazy stuff.

Then  I started playing guitar again and wondered why I haven't been.

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