Look back in history. Every time a new technology comes along pollsters and the media get surprised about candidates. for FDR's election they polled people... with telephones. Thing is not everyone that voted could afford a telephone.
Radio came out and then it was Radio and TV, where Nixon won the debate according to people who heard it on the radio, and Kennedy won according to people who watched it on television.
The new technology this time around was Twitter, You tube, Facebook... social media.
The fact that a lot of people get their news from these sources nowadays and not from the mainstream.
So now everyone is all surprised that this is a tight race.
If I, a blogger with limited resources am not surprised and the experts are, that is saying something about the experts. They are doing something wrong. But it always has been so. You expect the people in power to be better than normal people, to have all the answers. But the truth is, they are just regular people standing behind a position. And they might not know even what the normal person on the street (or nowadays on free social media) know.
Was this election different than past ones?
Yes and no.
It's not really the people that made it different but the use of a new technology this time around.
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