I've started writing another book while I take a break from "Kung Fu and cooking." This one is going to be a series similar to the Magic Tree House, except though it is written for children I will deal with awkward questions and the explanations won't be like a textbook either.
So the first adventure is about the Nuclear Bomb. What is it?
And I was thinking that the main thing we will talk about is Hiroshima and Nagasaki which means we also have to explore the atrocities in China and the Rape on Nanking. Again, this book is still for kids. Super Shao and Daider Bunny will see the horrors not so much of war, but of an army let loose on a civilian population.
Guiding them will be the Monkey King. I think that at this point Super Shao and Daider Bunny will try to stop some atrocities but it will be like Scrooge going back to visit his past. Nobody will have any reaction to what they do. So Super Shao (who has a bat) will try to hit some soldiers raping and bayoneting a woman while a child that looks like Shao sits and watches and then is also bayoneted. But his bat will just touch thin air.
Here is another difficult thing to talk about. "What is rape?" In other words, what are they doing? Not in a scientific way, but why is it bad? Why are they doing it?
Children's stories like the Monkey King and the Grimm Fairy Tales solved this problem by having witches or demons simply eat children. "What will they do to me that is so bad?" They will eat you.
"Who will do this?"
Demons and monsters and witches. But Demons and monsters and witches can look like normal humans and can even look beautiful and handsome.
So my Fairy Tale will have to take it further.
Any normal human being from a normal civilized society is potentially a demon and a monster, is even a demon and a monster while they are in that society.
Conrad's Heart of Darkness argued that England could easily revert into a savage state.
But that was written before WWII when humanity saw on film that Civilization itself can be Savage.
The way people were killed was systematic calculated and civilized in its brutality. And then some stuff was just how people behave when there are no laws or when rape and looting is encouraged or at least not discouraged or not punished.
Then we will have to go to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. My idea is that Super Shao will swing his bat at the same time the Nuclear Bomb explodes. Maybe for Nagasaki, since although there is an argument that Hiroshima was to stop further killing by stopping the war, Nagasaki really was just to see what would happen. Super Shao will see what kind of destruction Hiroshima did and had seen what the Japanese Army did and will swing his bat in anger or revenge, or something. But again, he will not have actually caused the bomb because essentially he swung at thin air. But the idea will be that it is those same types of feelings that cause these atrocities. I.e. children are capable of all the horrors adults are.
Plus the perpetrators of this atrocity is America, whom we usually view as the Good Guys.
(Monkey King in the Journey to the West also goes around doing some morally questionable things even when he had the approval of Buddha. In fact, the Monkey King is a lot like a Nuclear Powered United States in terms of his ideals. He stands for Democracy (which ancient China thinks is monkeyish and ridiculous) saying that they should take turns being Emperor of Heaven and put it to a vote. )
(Barefoot Gen did a great job really describing the horrors of what happens after a bomb like that goes off. I'm not sure if I will go into all that detail though. Maybe I should read Barefoot Gen to Noah actually. )
Daiderbunny has the power to give gifts instead of smash things so throughout the story he will be trying to bribe people and then later hand out food.
Or maybe we can look at how Nuclear power can be helpful to society (as well as dangerous. Fukushima can be explored here. But so should France.)
For this first one, it will be the Scrooge idea where they can't effect the past I think.
Maybe after this we will travel to a fictional world where aliens have just discovered the nuclear bomb and explore some of the ideas of what having such a bomb means. Maybe there are blue people and pink people.
Or we could still do History stuff about India and Pakistan.
My idea would not be to list a bunch of facts and stuff but how would you describe say Fusion and Fission to a caveman? Right?
And then how do you explain the morality and ethics behind this knowledge?
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