It's fun to get away in the mountains. But it's good to be home too. It was nice to breathe that fresh air, travel to Story Land, Go to some waterfalls, and eat out. But everytime I eat an AMerican diet, even if it is really good food, I always end up constipated. Is that because I didn't drink enough water? Or is it that Americans wash it all down with beer? In any case my stomach got used to large portions and now I can't stop eating.
Story land was fun, though I had to take Noah away from it the second day because of his bad behavior. We ended up bonding at the water fall. It was cold but I was hot from adrenaline. It is a scary thing to see your son hop from rock to rock near the edge, even if he was careful. I was glad that I decided to let Jonah go shopping with Mommy. He's definitely not ready for that yet.
On Memorial Day we went back to story land and it ended up being the right choice for a reasn besides Noah's behavior. It was simply less crowded and cloud cover made it easier. But next year I don't think we will go to Story land. We should just go to something Nature-like, or the beach. It's more in line with what Grace and I like, and it's come to the point where it makes no difference to Noah. Jonah still probably prefers Story Land. But then he is also afraid of the talking trees. Maybe we'll do Clarke's Trading post instead. We'll see.
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