Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Bo Jai Yuen

Last night we had nice family outing to the Olive Garden. Oh the joys of eating out with two children who are screaming and trying to climb on the table. I had forgotten why we don't do it. The reason why we did this time was a gift card. But the meal ending up being way more expensive than take out from Royal Palace even with the gift card....
And then there was the added joy of me vomiting starting at 2am. Nobody else did, Thank God. But essentially the vomiting continued until 8:30 when diarrhea ensued and whenever I drink a liquid I vomit again. Oh how I wish I had had some Bo jai yuen. I cursed myself for the many times I passed by Nam Bak Hong in recent weeks and failed to go in and by the $3.00 case of around 12 viles of the red little pellets. I would have paid $10.00 for one vile then. Health really is th most important thing. Mor eimportant by far than wealth. If this is just a little something imagine what it feels to have an illness. Being poor and healthy is much less painful than being rich and ill
"Sun tai geen hong, sun tai geen hong" my inner mind chanted. That and some pub song lyrics, "I'll eat while I'm hungry and I'll drink when I am dry, and if Moon shine don't kill me I'll live till I die.."
I actually didn't have any alcohol, haven't for quite a while but I always associate this gut wretching, toilet bowl clutching, dry heaving feeling with alcohol, whether it is to blame or not.
Actually maybe if I did have alcohol it would have killed whatever bacteria has now incapacitated me.
Never again. I'm never eating out again. I swear.
So the kids are fine, and unruly, Grace has to work this weekend, so Angry Birds and many movies is what it is going to be. I will be feeding them, and probably fasting myself. They are definitely taking advantage of my weakness. They give a crap that I don't feel like moving, they still want to be picked up and dressed and to beat on each other and what have you.
I dpn't even have the strength to get mad. You guys get whatever you want. Good thing it is raining anyway and we couldn't go outside really, sick or not. I'm not dealing with that weight lifting workout today.
Tonight Grace will bring me home so Bo Jai Yuen, and I'll eat it whether I think I'm all better already or not.

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