Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Monday, February 29, 2016

New Classes

I'm working on setting up several new classes. One at Noah's School, One at the Josiah Quincy School, and one at the park.

Am I excited? It's weird because I am simultaneously excited and dreading aspects of the one  that should be the easiest.. the one at the school.

I feel like I'm losing me center. And how do I gain my center or get centered? I guess it's meditation.

I guess with all my blogs and ideas I get the sense that stuff is moving fast and in all directions.. and I have been ignoring the aspects of my work that I love.. and that is Practicing the Kung Fu, and writing my books. (People really are buying them now. ) And there's that idea about the movie.

One of the guys who won those Oscars last night struck me. He said you might feel like life sucks or whatever (I'd actually don't feel that way) but you can make Stuff. Film draw write... make stuff.

That is what I'm doing

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Community Relations

Everyone had been talking about Beyonce this and Black Panthers that. I have friends that are on both sides of this conversation. I have friends that I would not go so far as to say they are racist... but they see blacks in a certain way.. and I have black friends who see blacks that same way and who were also very involved with all this stuff in the 60's.

And then through my connections from school I have people who are more on the other side.

In any case, I felt that I had to read what the Black Panthers had to say about themselves. So I've been reading Bobby Seale's "Seize the time." I just finished the part where he was working at a poverty program as a community organizer (now I am vaguely getting more of a sense of what a community organizer is, and I realize I have been doing community organizing for a long time. It's just that a lot of community organizing in the Chinese Community and I'm not talking about the CPA, I'm talking about other organizations, a lot of it does happen through Gong Sau. Family associations, and Kung Fu organizations.)


I just finished the chapter where he organizes a meeting between cops and youth, and he says that's the first time he was seen as an enemy of the Oakland Police Department. But it's this section that makes me realize that all my ideas I have hashed out in my blogs before are not crazy.

The police reaction to that meeting was in that time period. Would the reaction today be different? I think it depends on the department. But people are more used to this type of meeting now and some departments regular have these community meetings and it does help.

Here's the thing.. in Japan, part of some of the officers jobs is to go around door to door and ask the people in his community what they would like to see the Police do. This is why I say time and time again, Japan is pretty racist, but they don't have a police brutality problem. In Japan, you can be third generation living in Japan but you are originally Chinese. You will always be Chinese. You cannot become a Japanese Citizen. Japan is racist racist racist.....
But they don't have Police brutality as a problem. That is something to look at.

I brought up the whole community policing thing with a couple of Black Lives Matter protesters in Philly and Nanzhou noodle house. They sort of paused and shrugged. They wanted to focus on the law changing. And this is really weird. Me.. as a Chinese white guy, and I must emphasize white because that is how most of society sees me, especially the way I dress now... maybe some people might see me as Hispanic, but I would say mostly people would see me as some kind of white with "a little something in there"

My point of view as a white guy who enjoys the system as it is... actually lines up more with what Bobby Seale was saying than these particular two Black Lives Matters protesters. Seale says that  changing the law won't work. Now of course I am not pro -militant stuff. Do black guys with guns scare me? Yes. Anyone marching around with guns scares me. Black, white, Asian. doesn't matter.

I am also not anti-police. I usually have a good interaction with police because I am white, I know how to talk to them, I don't commit crimes... and I only had two incidents where I felt mad, but in the end nothing actually happened to me. I am also familiar with how police think because I have worked with them.

Number one. Police are just like any other people in that they don't like to be called out and told they are at fault even if they are. Just like your kids don't like it, just like your students don;t like it. Police don't like it, except they hear shit all day from superiors and others and they may just take it out on you. They want to be praised.

You have to understand that.

Before you go on about a what if.. it's just that you have to get into people's heads if you want to change people's minds.

So far that Community meeting that Seale first organized before starting the Black Panther party, thatwas right back then. It wasn't accepted but it was right. And it is right right now. That type of thing can do a lot. The protesting hasn't really done that much if you think about it. If you had a bunch more people like Seale, and the police could work with them, a lot can change. In Seale's time you had stories and testimony. Now you have video. But people are just shouting at each other or protesting or counter protesting. You need a mediator like Seale did. I'm not saying he was perfect, and obviously I have not even finished the book. Maybe there is a whole bunch of stuff I will disagree with. But that mediation, a group of people that can go in between the police and the community and organize meetings between them. That is really necessary.

The Black Panthers were doing there thing and I can see how Police will see it as anti-police and why police are pulling security from Beyonce's concert. I can see why they are doing that and they have a right to do that, if that's how they feel. Police can protest too. And usually people with power are the MOST sensitive, because people without power are used to taking things even when they know it's crazy.

Instead I'm going to talk about Chinatown's Crime Watch. That was good because it wasn't seen as competing with police. Some would say Crime watch got out of hand sometimes when dealing with homeless. But for the Chinese in the Community, it essential achieved what the Black Panthers were trying to achieve. Now again. Different time, different politics, a lot of differences. I'm just saying if you had an organization that worked for the community and at least in appearances worked with police or seemed to make people more comfortable about working with establishment, it could be successful.

The CPA does do this, in terms of working within the law but a lot of the language is anti-establishment, and rubs people the wrong way. Whereas there are other organizations in Chinatown that even if they commit crimes, they always show respect police because it is the smart thing to do, and ultimately, if their goal was to do something for the community, they would be more successful because of that.

I have actually reached out to the Police station about teaching Kung Fu, maybe in their station or near it, where you would get a diverse group of people, including police youth, elderly, students all in the same Kung Fu class, and tat would bring the community together. I reached out to them asd several Churches. First Baptist Church was the one place that got back to me. And then JQS reached out to me. The problem is I didn't have a ton of students sign up for my class. So while I am acheiving something for my Kung Fu, it isn't reaching the full potential of what I have in mind in terms of Community.

I'm not saying I'm trying to start something like the panthers. The key is actually to get Police in my class as students, along with members of the community, that's what I'm trying to do. And then instead of shouting at each other, it will nudge everyone in the same direction, and I could maybe make a living in the process. That's what I'm saying. I just think it's funny that with all this antagonistic talk and anger and hasrh and even foul language, over Beyonce's artistic performance, that when you actually read Seale's book, what he was trying to do was not that out there. And in terms of me saying, I wouldn't d in that way." It was a different time and these guys grew up differently than I did. And more important than that, I am white. In fact I am white from a majority Black and Chinese housing project where white police an dthem helping us because of our whiteness may very well have been what kept us alive. Not towards the end, when the neighborhood started getting really nice. I'm talking about in my eraly childhood when my father and friends and neighbors were getting robbed regularly, like it was some sort of tax taken with a knife and gun even pointed at me in the stroller.

In any case, th book is quite a good read. Written like a conversation. It's worth it to take a lookinstead of just looking at meme's or quotes online. That way you can get a fuller picture of where the Balck Panthers were coming from, and then you can make a decision about how you feel about Beyonce's homage to the group.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Noah's Training video

Here is a taste of what my in home kids classes are like. You can see three different levels here, but everyone still practices together and learns from each other. Then of course we have play time as well.
Since Chinese New Year is over, I dropped the lion dance part of the class. Strangely this was the most stressful part because only Noah had any interest in Lion Dance, and even then he didn't want  to keep doing it when nobody else did.

The kids could "spar" with me for hours if I let them. But I don't let them unless I feel like they are learning what I am trying to teach them. Other wise they will just pick up bad habits. Mainly I am a wooden dummy and I am trying to introduce concepts of moving your feet, distance, and protecting yourself with the jab, or other strike. But Jabbing is what they learn first. I guess it's not a real jab because most of them use their dominant hand. for it their punch.

Come to think of it, I should make them jab from both sides next time.

Basic Kung Fu

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Warbling song bird


Cried a bird outside my window.

I was in the bathroom actually


just to add that poetic touch.

Is that a loon?
Not quite.

I had never heard such a bird I don't think.

I looked curiously out the window to a tree branch
where the beautiful bird might be sitting
singing me a song.

But actually I had to look down at the window sill

Where the bird was staring right at me from a foot away.

I want to say it was a partridge. But what do I know.

It wasn't a pigeon.

But it looked like one.

And it's beak was fucked up.

I was looking at it, thinking maybe I was freaking it out.

But then I realized, I was sort of getting freaked out.

Was this the same song bird?

It's song was so beautiful.

Did this crooked fucked up beak produce that warbling note?

Probably because now it was singing a damn thing.

I went around to another window to look at it from another angle but it had left.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Shattering Ice

At the bottom of the hill
Of what was the Sugar bowl
There was a small pond.
A puddle
of ice.

The Children ran around it and on the edges of it.
Picking of pieces and throwing it into the center to shatter like broken glass.
Look at this one Baba!
Let's do another one.

I didn't realize this would be the activity for the day.

A freind of Noah;s came along, and his younger sibling and it was four children shattering ice and treading dangerously over the thin ice. The puddle was not deep enough that one would drown.
But deep enough to get soaked.

It was getting wet, in the end, that was the excuse to go home.

But that was later.

First there was gathering of stones to crack the ice
by lobbing them from high on top of the hill.

And then there was the collecting of sticks to create a dam

and then a fort

and then a tipee.

There was throwing of sand, which was discouraged
And so we got the children to go back to the puddle once more.

A running leap and Noah;s friend tried to race across as if lightness of feet would keep him from breaking through. It didn't. and then it was time to go home.

Today we went back to the puddle.

The water had soaked through the ground so walking on the ice, you broke through and found only air. Yesterday, what was not allowed, was encouraged.

Jonah spent an our shattering the ice

as I did Tai Chi on top of it.

The greatest things are free.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Keanu Reeves Man of Tai Chi

I'm watching this movie right now. Jonah fell asleep. I thought because it had Keanu Reeves as an actor and director that it was a Hollywood film. But actually it is totally a Chinese Hong Kong film. That shows ho wthe world has changed. The beginning was a bit violent, like killing people violent. I dn't really see why they needed that type of graphic stuff in there at first. But actually it is to show what  bad guy Keanu's character is.

I recognize the protoganist from an Anthony Bourdain episode. The movie is totally Chinese and showcases traditional Kung Fu cinema in a modern setting. I.e. their fighting Lei Tai but the sequences are old school.

I don't really feel like I have to pay much attention because it's your regular weak plot etc. It's about the fighting. You may be surprised to hear that when I watch a movie, I actually don't care much for the fight sequences at all. In fact the "training" aspects of the Tai Chi are much more interesting to me.

As far as the reality of it... well the whole premise is pretty unrealistic to me. ehh maybe it's possible to have an elite club that watches underground fights online. I just feel like it's unlikely. Also the whole stuff about what Tai Chi is for etc.

Tai Chi, used in a fight, is actually pretty hard.. in a relaxed way and Wu Gong Yi, was a 6 province champion when he was younger.  For some reason I can't find the video of that fight on Youtube to against Chan Hak Fu to link too. But that's what his version of Tai Chi looked like in a real fight. Pretty much it was hit faster and harder and be able to take hits.

There are some interesting concepts brought up.

Especially in terms of the internal struggle. But I would argue that the older generations of Kung Fu were far more violent than the younger ones.

I guess trying to show the futility of fighting etc and of course the older wiser generations are the more peaceful ones. But if you look at the history of Kung Fu I would have to disagree. Kung Fu traditionalists have never been more peaceful.. especially since the ones that are fight crazy tend to go to combat sports. As for warriors, there are always plenty of wars to fight and join, always has been.

In the past Kung Fu was tied up in this stuff. In radicalism, in terrorism, in freedom fighting. Nowadays? Even if China's army sort of does Kung Fu or a version of it, that aspect of their training is not what actually comes into play in wars with planes and bombs. Even if you kill someone with a bayonet using a martial thrust, does that have anything to do with the Chi Gung moves you practiced? Well maybe the Chi Gung moves help you calm down afterward.

But then in the movie it is a specific branch of Tai Chi.. so whatever. I'm just saying the new China tends to hold up the traditions of the past (the Guan Gung Statues) the heritage, as one of complete justice and peace, and it is the new modern ways that are violent and dangerous.

I just feel like there are a lot of younger people that might be more about peace and more about social justice, than the older generations.


Okay watching the end now. Actually not a bad message in terms of why should the fighters fight each other, fight the system that put them there etc. Totally like Hunger games. Not bad.

Oops the last scene was the battle with Reeves. He learns to become nothing, masters his chi.....Have to say though the Kung Panda movies were better. But I guess this wasn't bad....

Oh my god still more movie, when is this going to end?

Traditional and modern can exist... okay great. Yes very true, thank you China.

New Idea for Spring Classes

I just wrote this e-mail, and I figure it would make a good post as well. In a follow up later, I will talk about why I want to do this in JP.

Dear Principal  __________,
I would really like to start a Lion Dance, Kung Fu and Tai Chi team for the Upper School kids at Curley. (Preferably children that can come and go on  their own.)

The benefit of this team to the kids and the school will be that the kids will have a sports and arts activity that will teach team player attitudes, but will also open them up to another cultures.

There are many opportunities to perform in the community, like the Wake Up the Earth Parade.

Also since I am associated with a team in Chinatown, they will have the opportunity to perform with them. Many of those performances are Colleges, Universities, and Companies, during the Chinese New Year season as well as Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. (May)

My idea would be for the practices to be three times a week, Monday Wednesday and Friday some time after school

The class, for now, will last for three months. March, April and May, though I would like to eventually have it be year round.

I want to charge money for the class, but have it be affordable. I was thinking $60 for the three months per child. For students with low income, we can work out some sort of work study (though my price is pretty affordable for low income students) I think some sort of payment is necessary. First of all I need to get something out of it. And the students need to somehow make a show of commitment, or reason why they will be getting something out of these classes.
If they are just coming because they are forced to, that isn't going to work.

I will also have to be able to kick people off the team or suspend them, no refunds. Not that I want to. But otherwise I feel like I could run into trouble with discipline.

Finally I have to find a time that works for me and my kids. I like my children to be able to play outside right after school for a while. I saw that renting the school after 6pm is extremely expensive. And since I am doing this for Curley students only, I was wondering if I could somehow work along side CASP... but I also feel that it should be a partnership instead of me working under the CASP umbrella, especially since I am working with older children. Much the way Tenacity and SUper Soccer Stars have partnered with CASP

I have a skill, a willingness to teach, and I have these lion heads and drums waiting to be used more often. I have an art that can introduce children to other communities and to make connections with Universities and companies in a way that football and soccer may not be able to.

 -Sifu Adam Cheung

Hung Gar Tiger Crane

Hung Gar Tiger Crane

My student and friends shared this video with me asking if I was familiar with this form. I realized after writing my response that it would make a good blog post. So here it is.

Yes. I showed the class guys our version of Fu Hok Song Ying the first day. But our form is much different both in moves and in philosophy and how Tiger and crane are combined.

Before My Sifu did White Crane, he did Hung Gar. In their village they had a system called Hung Bak Choi

Hung- Hung Gar, Bak- Bak Hok (white Crane) and Bak Mei (White eyebrow), Choi- Choi lei fut (which is also a mixtire of Choi gar, lei gar, and fut gar systems. 

So my Si Hing also knows the Old Hung Gar Fu Hok Song Ying, which is more similar to this form.

I didn't learn it, because I have to maintain and study other forms already. Plus the form or some version of it is quite common. So if I don't learn and teach it, it's not like it will die out. That is not true of the other forms I practice. 

end e-mail.

There are also concepts and techniques in this form that are in the other forms I do as well. When I look at other systems, I find it better (for me) to learn FROM them instead of learning them. I don't have time to learn every style of Kung Fu. Instead I have the style that was taught to me as a base, and I look at what other people do and their specialties as a comparison. I feel it does help me think about my own training. However it doesn't mean I'm going to drop what I have done for over a decade and learn their form. As far as just adding what they do to what I do, again, I don't even have enough time in a day to do all the forms that I know. I would start with that. But it doesn't mean I don't enjoy watching others perform.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Time to Fast?

So I'm totally sick now. and I feel like I could recover faster if I just stopped eating and only drank fluids for a few days and did meditation and slept, etc.

However, the Chinese New Year parade is on Sunday. What the hell am I going to do?
Tomorrow I have to do my little Panda class... with my children, and take them to violin. I'm going to be running around everywhere. Should I fast or is that dangerous since I will be teaching and watching my kids? It would certainly be convenient.

To fast on Saturday seems like a recipe for disaster since the next day is a long as parade that requires calories to burn.


This series is awesome. I watched it with Grace last night and couldn't go to sleep afterward. We talked about what would I do if I went through such a closet. The show called it a rabbit hole, referencing Alice and Wonderland. But it's really the closet from C.S. Lewis's the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe... except this story is for adults.

Critics are calling it slow (Are you fucking kidding me? What do you want, Bam! go back and kill Lee Harvey Oswald end of story? Fucking stupid millenials.. even though I am one.)

And others say it is a Baby Boomers Fantasy. Now There is a point to this. Because usually you think of a time to go back to and it would be to kill Hitler, not to prevent JFK from being killed.

I would go on to say that maybe it is a WHITE baby boomers fantasy. Because why not prevent Martin Luther King and Malcom X from being killed? Though one could argue that since JFK was killed first and maybe had more power.. etc. One could very well argue that had King not been shot, he would have died of a Heart Attack shortly after any way, like his colleague.. whose name I can't remember.

He wasn't shot (arguably) because he did not want to protest Vietnam.

Anyway, this whole series is based on the idea that you save JFK, and Vietnam doesn't have to happen the way it did and all those boys don't have to die.
I'm not sure how I view Vietnam. To me it's something that happened. It would never occur to me that it would un happen. Grace said that maybe my point in time to prevent would be 9/11.

I'm not sure. I feel like if I went back in time... all I would be doing would be enjoying life and taking advantage of the fact that I had an edge on everyone.  Especially if, as happens in the series, the past pushes back. Hell maybe I would just play around. After all. Is money and fame that important when you have this cool little closet to play with?Maybe I wouldn't use it for anything.

"You wouldn't go call your dad?"

I don't know that I would. is that weird?

Anyway, it would be cool if maybe some Youtuber, maybe a Black Lives Matter youtuber does a reprise of this series, where they try and stop King's  ro X's assassination. How would that story go? What problems would they run into? You could do something where you go back in time to when Malcom X was in Boston and maybe try to prevent him from even going to jail or something. It would be cool to play with.

The sereis stars James Franco, and is based on a book by Steven King. It's a Hulu original series. I'm not hooked on many shows. But I am hooked on this one.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Kung Fu Panda Three: Recap

Spoiler Alert? Yes I guess so.
But really the plots are not that hard to guess and this is more about the meanings of the stories. (Intended or Not) This trilogy has now become a truly great mythology tying together Family, Politics and Spirituality. Let's start with a Recap of the other movies.

Kung Fu Panda 1. The secret is yourself
Po, who is a very American goofy character played by Jack Black in a Chinese world, with the a lot of the cultural elements really being shown more than in another American Movies that try to depict China finds Confidence in himself to fight a bully. The struggle is for the Dragon Scroll, and is an internal struggle within Master Shifu's school over a title and a piece of paper that ends up being blank. Po realized the secret when within his own family, the secret of Secret Ingredient Noodle soup is revealed to him by his father (adopted as we find out in part 2 though we all know it because Po is a panda and his father is a duck.) The secret is nothing.. or yourself. Po gives Tai Lung (big Dragon) a ton of chances... but then kills him, destroys him, with with the Wuxi finger hold, which is introduced in the beginning, but is never taught to Po. Po just figured it out.

Also Po is trained through food and more through finding the power he already has with guidance by Shifu. Shifu learns a lot by having to teach him in a different way than he trained  the Furious Five.

This concept of the secret is yourself is in many Buddhist stories. However, even though these stories are prevalent in Chinese culture, the idea itse;f is sort of suppressed. Kung Fu tends to be more about the system you study and even though everyone sort of acknowledges that it is the individual, the emphasis is more on the master than the student. Pushing this idea forward as the main part of the movie is extremely American.. .even though at the same time it is extremely Chinese.

Also this first movie is as much about Master Shifu's struggle within himself as it is about Po. Master Shifu's two students that are fighting for the Dragon Warrior, represent two aspects of himself.

This movie was made by Americans, for Americans.

The villain Tai Lung, is your typical Kung Fu bully. He he has a British Accent though.

Kung Fu Panda 2. Inner Peace

The secret to Inner peace is letting go of bad feelings from the past.
Again, this is prevalent in Buddhism. But even though Buddhism is a big theme in Chinese culture, revenge is and even stronger element even within Kung Fu with Buddhist origin. In fact the meaning is a little different. Re-venge means to re do vengeance, re violence. Like you are doing violence because violence was done to you. Bo Sau in Chinese almost sounds like you are balancing a scale and putting.

Kung Fu Panda 2 has the villain peacock Lord Shen who is a megalomaniac and leader of an Industrial revolution fro weapons manufacture. It has nods to the Cultural Revolution and also European Pogroms as all the Pandas are killed off (except Po) Po finds inner peace by letting go of revenge. He only fights the villain to prevent him from doing future  evil. Lord Shen does not find peace and continues to try and destroy Kung Fu Panda. In the end he creates an accident which kills him. In this movie, the illain, Lord Shen, destroys himself.

Kung Fu Panda uses Tai Chi like techniques. Though again, he did that against Tai Lung as well, but his training moves even further in that direction. Po gains inner peace through extreme pain. (As opposed to Oogwei who does it by meditating for 50 years) Master Shifu does it with a combination of both.
But the idea here is that Po learns Kung Fu not so much through technique... but through life experience.

The writers go to China to discover Po's origins. This movie is still made by Americans fro Americans, but they are really making an effort to dig deeper into Chinese culture. Kung Fu Panda is very successful in China because animation is easily dubbed into Mandarin. You begin to see Kung Fu Panda like CGI cartoons that are China made..... however they are not quite as good even though they are made by Chinese, for Chinese.

The peacock is often seen as a symbol of the Qing Government, which is often the  villain in Kung Fu movies.

Kung Fu Panda 3. Chi and Spirituality and Teaching

Master Shifu hands over teaching responsibility to Po so that he can master Chi. He is able to make a flower bloom by transferring energy into it.

We see Kai, (or maybe Cai) a bull, Oogwei's Brother in arms (Si Hing Dai). Kai is American in his gun slinger walk and Cowboy demeanor. He also has an American accent and a wild west type theme is played when he enters with a Chinese version of the bad guy in a Western with the walk with spurs.   Not only that but his Kung Fu skill itself is not superior to Oogwei or even the Tigress. However he is able to suck the Chi out of the masters and then turn them into Jade trinkets. He then uses these trinkets like robot drones and is able to attack and do surveillance with them. Kai wants to have all the Chi in the world and be remembered and also wipe out Oogwei's memory. Mao did this.. but the consumerism and American way of the villain makes one think that this represents Capitalism, Consumerism, and the McDonaldization or the world. This Corporate Cowboy is sucking the souls, the spirits, the Chi out of everything and it is never enough.

We find out that the technique he uses was taught to him by Pandas. In fact it is a Panda specialty. Kai had taken his brother in arms, Oogwei as he was dying to be healed. The Pandas healed Oogwei. So Kai is not as evil as Lord Shen, nor is he afraid or a coward. He just got greedy.

The technique of sucking Chi that Kai uses is a nod to Cup Sing Dai Faht, used in the Proud Smiling Wanderer (Siew Ngo Gonghu)

Po goes to learn about himself with his biological father Li Shan at a secret Panda village. Kai destroys Oogweis temple and all his teachings. And sucks the chi out of everyone but Tigress, who goes to warn Po. Po must then teach the Panda's to defend themselves with Kung Fu.

Po teaches them Kung Fu, by teaching them to be themselves. They use shuttle cock, somersaulting and ribbon dancing and hugging techniques. Po teaches successfully by getting out of the way, which Tigress questions at first. But you begin to see that all these techniques can be used in combat. In fact there are nods to modern martial arts.. especially Jeet Kune Do and Bruce Lee.

Bruce Lee believed in finding YOUR techniques in Kung Fu. Linda Lee credited this with his readings of Indian Self Help authors. But Modern Shaolin Monks will tie it to Chan (Zen Buddhism) The Hugs are a lot like a rear naked choke. and the ribbon dancer who uses a ninchuck is an obvious nod to Bruce Lee.

Grace commented that the fight scenes were not as good. Indeed they move away from the classic 70's Hung Gar style sequences of the first two movies. The Villain does Chain whip.. but again he is totally American in his style of movement.

Po tries the Wuxi Finger hold on Kai but it doesn't work. He tries to tell everyone to run, then thinks of something, and Skadooshes himself while choking Kai. This is a lot like the Take downs in MMA and Jujitsu where bothe people will fall to the ground.....

And Po has actually just killed himself. They go into the spirit world. There is no doubt, whether or Not Po comes back.... he has just died, sacrificing himself for the Pandas and Tigress.

This is full of the Jesus mythology.

Interestingly in Chinese myths there is a Turtle God that is reborn as a human and sacrifices himself for the sake of a village so that it will rain. The Rain is blood red though and so the people worship him and honor him, knowing they have done wrong and that this turtle God "died for their sins"

Here Po is able to gain spirit energy from the whole village of Pandas, his adopted Father Ping, and Tigress by everyone sending their Chi into the spot where Po was.

Indeed Chinese believe that gods are gods because people bow to them.

This is combined with the transfer of Chi technique instead of using Prayer of incense. But a lot of blessings in forms of Christianity are done like this and other religious groups as well.

Can you transfer Chi as in Reki? I'll post about that and some of my experiences with that later.

But in the story not only can you do this physically, but you can reach across to the Spirit world and do this. And this is Where Po becomes the Dragon Warrior and you see his Dragon Spirit as he battles Kai.

The Dragon is a symbol of the Chinese people as they call themselves "The descendants of Dragons"
The Panda is also seen as a symbol of the Chinese people.

I suspect that when Kung Fu Panda 1 was made, they just took these two symbols at stereotypical symbols and accidentally created an opening for this great movie which works even better for China than it does for America. What I'm saying is, a Chinese American can totally yawn and call parts of Kung Fu Panda 1 stereotypical.. but good natured and at least they got the cooking right as well as some real Chinese Vocabulary thrown in there.

But Kung Fu Panda three.

This movie feels like Chinese Propaganda in theme. But American in creative vision. Mainland China could not have made this movie.... but wanted to. It was released in China and the States for Chinese New Year. This movie is for China.

And what does it say?

You can be a Panda and a Dragon at the same time. You can love your adopted father and your biological father at the same time . (Great for Chinese adoptees btw) You can have the strength of the Dragon but it doesn't mean you have to be like Tai Lung, or Lord Shen. You can absorb the fun loving side of modernity and Americanism, of overeating.. and still be the Dragon.

Kai tries to suck the Chi out of Po. Does Po win by sucking it back? In a battle of strength?

No, the answer to the Cowboy Corporate Consumerism is for Po to shoot all his Chi at him. And Kai absorbs it, at first it is great, but then it is too much, and Kai explodes and all of the other Sifus that were alive in the physical world return. (Did they die? I guess they were just trinkets so tey are just turned back.) Oogwei is released and is free in the spirit world (So he was dead, and he is still dead.along with many other ancient masters that Kai had defeated in the Spirit realm)

Po totally died though because he Skadooshed himself.

Po and Oogwei talk.

Oogwei explains why Po is the link between Kung Fu's past and it's future. Did they intend that when writing Kung Fu Panda one? I doubt it. But here is the thing. I feel like these movies have become their own thing as much as the character of Kung Fu Panda. They say something deep each time, even though the message is similar. But here you really have a modern mythology that kicks ass. China and America can be blended together in this Panda like way, it can defeat Capitalism that creates global warming not by fighting it but by the people using our resources together. Po's Chi comes from the people.

You can be a Dragon and still be the fun loving Panda.

Even when Oogwei's temple is destroyed Po has mastered more than Oogwei did and is ready to pass on the idea and teachings of Kung Fu in a modern way, by showing people how to be themselves.

Po comes back, rises from the dead and for a moment shows is god-like form. He can fly, like his adopted father Ping. Then fall sto the ground and is mortal again.

He mastered Chi and Shifu is a bit jealous at first but then asks, "Can you teach me?"

In the end, everyone is still learning traditional Kung Fu moves, and doing the shuttle cock and ribbon dancing.

As a Kung Fu teacher myself this is very moving to me and many people have talked about this balance between the American Way of teaching stuff (through sports and games) and the Chinese way (line up and follow me.) Indeed you need to find a balance. But you can actually do both, at the same time.

At the end of the movie I was moved to tears with emotion and I applauded. I wasn't the only one, but still people next to me, maybe even including my family, probably thought I was weird.

This is a long post... but still I have a ton more to say about these movies. We're not even close to being done.

I will be buying this and watching it repeatedly with Noah and Jonah.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

5:30am Practice vs. 7:00am vs. 8:30am

Today I was up at 5:00am I had an idea about Chinatown's festival so I sent off an e-mail instead of going back to sleep, but then I was definitely awake and it was a choice between mediatation, reading or maybe even going outside to practice Kung Fu.

I went with Kung Fu.

Here's the thing. I started off doing my morning exercise for myself with the idea that I would actually have a class. A class can't be in the dark so i made it at 8:30am after I dropped off the kids.

Then I realized, maybe people would actually be able to come if it was at 7:00am before work or something. Plus I could get the kids involved.... the second I got the kids involved it became not a good workout for me. Even if I went through the same motions, it was torture.

I didn't even have them follow along, these kids were sledding. But it was still torture because inevitably they would need me for something. I ended up getting there "late" but... at least we got to school on time. And then I finished up my workout after I dropped them off.

But I realized, who are these "classes" for. They are for me. So today I went to the park in the dark.

I brought my sticks too because it is Saturday. Saturday and Sunday I do weaponry because I don't have the kids with me... and they are sort of my cheat days. Tomorrow I will not even practice in the morning I think, because I will be doing Lion Dance all day. Then the weekdays are Mein Lay jum, basics, and I try to do every hand form i know.

Recently I've been getting tired and I think it's because I have Strep. I'm not contagious though because I've been on penicillin. Anyway, I've been doing less instead of more.

I think I'm going to stick to my 5:30 am time and just accept that it's not a class really, it's just me practicing, And if anyone wants to learn from me at the park, I guess it will be by chance or arrangement. Which actually makes more sense anyway.

Friday, February 12, 2016


I read the lyrics at this site.

And there are a lot of videos out there talking about how this performance was bad for the country or is dividing it.

I will say it was difference than this performance.

Basically in this second video, all you see is that Beyonce is hot, and that she is singing to you. (no matter who you are.. that is if you are attracted to her.)

In the "controversial video" she has a black agenda. What my friend said was this:
When I saw it, I knew Beyonce was gonna be under fire. She is an American sweetheart. Blonde hair. Light.It's like she tricked white people. That's how folks feel

Another friend of mine shared this video with me.

And I can sort of see this point of view. But I sort of felt like I had to point out that I disagreed with it. 
And then his friend David C Yee, posted, and I felt like he conveyed what I wanted to say better than I could. 

Let's start off with this I don't like this chick reporter. I don't like the crying entitled either. Beyonce took a bold move to make a national statement. I personally would not have choose this route however I'm not going to crucify her. I understand were she is coming from and her position in her Position. This was nothing but an attempt to send a message that Black lives Matter to the color Blue. Simple. Nothing more.
It's not just her, it's not just the black race, it''s all of Society that have or have witnessed unnecessary Police brutality and so called "Justified" shooting/Killing of people that may or may not of deserved it, BUT not for that situation and nor for them to make that call. Now it just so happens that this issue is a Nationwide issue that statistics show that the Black race is off the charts.
Are they all unjustified? Of course not. Are they all justified? Of course not! But the power of social media has raised enough awareness that it's a larger number of unjust that the media or government wants to acknowledge. And when it's brought to light, nothing has changed or no changes have been made to Police training and nothing has been enforced down from the Commissioners.
So this is her peaceful attempt to keep society aware that things need to change. If not her and if not at that arena, then where else if someone needed to make a large enough subtle enough statement in her Position because the issue is big enough matter to her and her people?
As for the Black Panthers, I have not heard of or educated myself with any situation that they promoted violence but Defense like Adam mentioned. Let's not forget what people of COLOR went through, lived through with their own Flesh and Blood back then, pre-70's era.
Can anyone really disagree with any Person(s) or any Race to group together to protect themselves from any other race or group that have inflicted harm to them and I Mean INFLICT SERIOUS HARM because of ones color of skin? Has anyone here ever experienced that in school back then? Let this stew for a bit.....
Always look at things from from 3 sides, not just yours but theirs and neutral party. If a lot more people do this, we all can be a better person in society. Doesn't have to be perfect just put in your fair share and don't worry about a return.

Now especially when David says to view things 3 ways.. that is how I always try to view things. So I respect when my friends share stuff with me that I do not agree with. I think it's important to look at that viewpoint as well. Before I saw all thee videos, I actually wasn't going to even watch Beyonce's performance because, I had happened to miss it, and even if I had watched it, I would have just been mildly entertained by it and thought nothing more about it. I will say, of the two performances I prefer last years, because she shows more skin, and I feel like she is singing to me.. This year it's clear that she is talking about enjoying her black man (who she is married to so isn't that right?)...(but then they let the white guy in there at the end too as if to say, "I said all that political stuff but I still love you too as long as you buy my records") So if you do the numbers, where last year everyone can come to her altar to worship her, this year she just picked a favorite, so she will make less money.

The politics are there, but are they as strong as other artists (who are not as popular) no.

In the end every single video I posted is a hot woman (including Lahren) saying stuff and the script is written, people are attracted to the face and the message (in order of posting they are Black Activism, Hotness, and Conservative Activism) and that drives money. Again, I guess my favorite was the one in the middle. And in terms of sexism, they are all sexist and I am therefore somewhat empowered (as a man) watching all of them.

David C. Yee also added.
Without MLK, Black Panther movement and everyone else that stood up to the rest of society that promoted their kids to through eggs, feces, nooses and so much more but too sensitive for me to bring up on to post to none other than Colored people, not just Black my friends. Anybody of any color such bear this pain and experience for themselves and there family.
Without MLK, Black Panther movement and everyone else that stood up to the rest of society my people of Asian decent, in particular Chinese immigrants would not have the privileges of today. Because my ancestors in my knowledge have the power of a movement to gain respect or equal rights like they did for all Color. Who knows? Today I may be known as that "f*ckin egg roll delivery guy that took too long". Because I rode a bicycle cause I wasn't allowed to own a car.
So this movement safe me from being that chinamen on a bicycle? Hell yeah! I deliver pizza now with a car. Word!

I guess I should point out too that it is Black History Month, so it's a good time to talk about this stuff.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Strep Rash

Noah had a rash the other day, and I thought it was an allergic reaction. I was pretty quick to blame the Chinese New Year candy... because it's made in China. I guess that's prejudice but I once heard too old ladies cautioning each other in a Chinese Supermarket  after that scandal about cookies.

But just to make sure... I ate all of the New Year's candy. lol

It turns out that Noah has Strep..

Another word for Strep is Scarlet Fever... which is a scary name loaded with the death of literary fictional characters.

I actually never read Little Women, I guess now is a good time to start.

Anyway, it means Noah will be staying home from school tomorrow. Thanks to amoxicillin, which the Little Women did not have, it's actually not a big deal.... until antibiotics become useless (which is predicted to happen in the future.

Sun Tai Geen Hong!

Actually Noah says he feels great.

The Parade in Chinatown is supposed to 3 below with a wind chill of 15 below. Noah won't be contagious by then, the doctor said so. Should he still go? Maybe just in the afternoon and just around Moh Goon or something. Noah sure will be missing a lot of school what with snow days and vacation. Unlike Jonah, Noah actually really likes school though. So all this is torture.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Lion Dance Story time

For the last 15 minutes of every class I teach at First Baptist Church I have a sort of story time.

Usually I show a form or some sort of cultural aspect of Kung Fu. My Sifu would have this too. It was not structured into class. It was after clas, or after dinner, late in the night. The traditional Kung Fu teachings are somewhat unstructured. Doing the basics and drills, that's structured, but a lot of the teaching is based around village life. If the village was preparing for some sort of fighting  (Feuding between villages or a rebellion) then they might function like an army. But otherwise it wasn't as structured.
(photo Credit: Kristen Paulson-Nguyen)
Pictured above. Vinh Nguyen and me in the lion head

So you could see that at our school. Many students commented that it was after class that the real learning took place.

I wanted to capture some of that but still fit it into by 1 hour class.
I figure 45 minutes is enough of physical exercise at a time.

Since it is Chinese New Year season, I told the story of the Nian and the lion dance.

The way people got under the head brought back some confidence that one day, we can parade the adult lion head in JP for Chinese New Year.

This particular head was from Woo Ching White Crane. I remember when we got it new. It was actually much smaller than the other heads we had. Now it is probably considered to be on the bigger side.

Jing had named it Mook Lan (Mu Lan) actually, I think his niece had named it that and maybe because Mulan had just come out. The two other heads, which were Federation heads, I don't know what happened to them. But they were named Mook Siu and Yerng Siu. (Yerng siu means ugly) by the same niece. In retrospect, that's probably a bad name for Lion heads, and part of that was those lion heads were not favorites. But actually thinking back, they looked pretty nice, it's just that the style of lion heads were starting to change. Factories were moving from cloth mache to paper. And.. this lion head I have to keep in the attic because it attracts moths. Why? Because the fur is not imitation. It is actual rabbit fur. Come to think of it, this might have been the year of the rabbit when we got it. So that means this head is around 18 years old.

I think this lion is happy to be able to come out and move around a little instead of sitting alone in the attic. Maybe next year he will be in a parade.... or maybe he can be in the Wake Up the Earth Parade!

Kung Fu and Sign Language.

Last night for my First Baptist Church Class I brought in an old lion head and so story tim ewith the adults was the story of the Nian.

I think it was a hit.

I also got a new student who is also a sign language interpreter.

I noticed he picked up the Kung Fu moves very quickly. Now just be natural talent and genes, but he said that for him learning the moves was a lot like sign language because you have to be very aware of the positioning of your body and hands, etc.

There is actually a lot of meaning behind certain things done in Kung Fu and Lion Dance. It is "like" a language.... but any symbolism or meaning is not nearly as complicated as an actual language and an actual conversation.

I was thinking this would be a great idea for a scientific study.

Get a bunch of kids, teach half Sign Language. Don't teach the other half sign language. Then teach both groups Kung Fu and see who does better. Because if it turns out there is a correlation between learning sign language at infancy and being better at Kung Fu, then it would totally be cool to have a bad ass group of Kung Fu kids raised from birth Kung Fuing, and before they can walk, crawl, or speak, using sign language.

Shaolin Temple can take up signing, and maybe even having nurseries or adoptive care again. (I mean they don't do that now, but back in the day they used to, and c'mon there is a need in China right?) But whatever that's them. Maybe I should learn Sign Language.

In any case, some field studies, experiments, case studies and anecdotal stuff. Sounds like a new book for my series to me.

Kung Fu and Sign Language.

I totally need help for this one though. I mean I don't even sign.

Did you used to have a Bulldog?

Grace was stopped outside the house by a guy walking his dog.

"Did you used to have a Bulldog? Because I remember we all used to walk our dogs together and I was walking by the house and I was wondering what ever happened to him."

"Well actually he's on Facebook and lives on a beach house on the North Shore."


"But I'm still here in JP."

"Oh okay. Bye.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Bruce Lee Muesli

Well the kids were home for a nice four day weekend, the last day being Chinese New Year. For breakfast Grace made Muessli, which Jonah like to call Bruce Lee.

As in

"I would like to have some more Bruce Lee please."

That's actually a pretty good marketing idea. I'm surprised it hasn't been done yet.

His daughter owns all the rights right now.. But I could see China ripping that off.

Bruce Li Muesli Wacha!! it packs a punch!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

JP Chinese New Year

Here is our little Jamaica Plain Chinese New Year Parade. It was a good warm up for Chinatown. Thank you all the participants. It would be cool to do (a little) more next year. As the kids get older they will be able to have more endurance etc. Dai Dai has a year to practice now. lol.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Snow day

After sledding we went back and built this giant snowman.
This thing actually looks pretty scary now that it has a few more inches of snow on it.

Here are some other thoughts and photos
The sugar bowl really does look peaceful and like your own little world

In addition to being a good sledding spot, it's also where I do Kung Fu every morning. I've moved me morning practice up to 7am

There were actually people out there running or walking their dog. One person took pictures. He pointed that camera at me for a while. I was at the end of my routine and sort of ina drunken trance sort of state. It would be cool to see those shots though. One time in college someone made a whole video of me with Eye of the Tiger and another just with sound effects... and didn't tell me about it. I saw it through a third party. Maybe on Facebook. They did have facebook but I was late joining it. 
It wasn't until I have tried making videos myself that I realize that video was pretty impressive. 


This was what we did for our snow day. Actually, first I did Kung Fu and shoveling, and then we went sledding, I shovelled with Shao and built a giant snowman, ate, did blog and video stuff and then later went to shovel for someone else too, read stories, and now these videos. Yay!

Quincy Mai Mo

Well here is some pretty good video of Noah doing Lion dance and forms. I guess I can watch it with him later and we can talk about what was good and what was not so good. Mostly, I learned that I have to do a better job of clearing a space for him for his Kung Fu. For some reason the lion dance had the perfect amount of space and also a good crowd.

Nian Hua pictures

Here are the finished Nian Hua pcitures
Here's a close up of Noah's

Maybe I should have him go over the pencil lines with ink. 

Nian Hua

I got some construction paper and looked up some images on line for ideas and put the kids to work on their Chinese New Year paintings. 
Smocks, paint..

Pencil to start out. 

It ends up being a lot cheaper than buying the stuff. Plus at least they sort of learn something right?

Finished products to come later. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Ip Man 3

I'm pretty excited to watch this new Ip Man movie. Mike Tyson is in it ( though I suspect he does not have that many lines. And that's supposed to be Bruce Lee in that last clip. This is going to be the movie where Ip Man and Bruce Lee really cross over into legend and mythology. Well actually Ip Man already has, but I mean to the extent that Wong Fei Hung did. It look like they are going to be on the same level as Baman and Superman with masked crime fighting heroes. Etc. Too Bad Mike Tyson has to be  bad guy. I hope to see him in more Kung Fu movies, and doing more kung Fu type stuff (retreats at WuDang mountain and Shaolin Temple, that sort of thing. I think it will be good for him.

I honestly think that the fact that he looke sort of like a bad guy in this movie has nothing to do with his personality. It is veiled racism. Mike Tyson, in interviews talked about his excitement in learning new thing sbeing in a martial arts film, and this is his first one.

But I think he really could be a bridge between these two genres. Let's see him starring in a Chinese movie as the protagonist. If you think about his real life, he is the quintessential Kung Fu master that becomes say a Lo Han monk, after having a really rough and violent life as a bandit or a general... or a professional fighter... and after seeking peace in meditation, creates a new Form. Whether it's Iron fist, or a new stick form.. .whatever. I'm just saying Mike Tyson's boxing career is pretty much over. But his career as older experienced and wise Kung Fu Master with philosophy and meditation... that has a whole lot of potential. Plus it will keep him away from the dirty things in life.

Basically he could totally do the Dalai Lama type circuit. He sort of already is doing it. But with that added Tai Chi internal meditative type practice, it can become what he is remembered for... and people will look back and say.. "Oh by the way did you know Mike Tyson ALSO used to box? He was pretty good. He was actually a champion."

Some nods to other movies I noticed was that they were fighting in an Umbrella store. A 14 year old Bruce Lee was actually in some movie about selling umbrellas. He was teaching Cha Cha to someone and then the dialogue went into how an inch of time buys and inch of gold... but one inch of gold can never buy an inch of time. I mean I think that's why the umbrellas are in there.

I'm definitely going to watch this movie but I also suspect, that I will be disappointed. But a Chinese movie with Mike Tyson? gotta watch it man.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Pictures from Jamaica Pond

An icy beach

A dead tree clawing the ice

A lonely log

A tree spirit blocks the way

or meets you along the path.

A speck of green

The Jamaica Pond Bald Eagle

This weekend I had gone out to look for the Jamaica Pond Bald Eagle. It was sort of going o be an exploratory adventure with Noah, But then he didn't want to come. I was unsuccessful in finding the eagle and taking a picture. But I took other pictures and talked to someone who said they had been in he local legislature and had been part of the reintroduction of Bald eagles into the Quabbin and that they had had a hatchery there.

So that's why we have bald eagles here I guess.

When I was a kid I used to watch Wild America, and the American Eagle might as well have been like the Nian (the chinese lion) or a dragon.) It was a symbol of National pride, but in a legendary sense. Because as a child dates and time, are not like compartmentalized history listed out. Time is much more like what relativity tells us it is as a child. It flows  and warps itself. And the stories and reality blend. So the American Eagle, was more than something we picked to be put on a flag. It was a message from the Great Spirit and the gods going back before prehistory and existing in an alternate reality.

This morning after dropping off the kids I was doing my practice. My Mein lei jum and basics.. my morning routine. I was doing my happiness meditation and trying to keep it slow... and the bald eagle flies over. It was easy to spot. There were a bunch of seagulls scrambling around and then the eagle, so clearly visible because it had a white head and some white tails, flies over.

I thought, "Money cannot buy this moment."

I mean I have all these dreams about opening up my own Kung Fu school, having my own space.. etc. But If I had that I would not come to the park o practice.

But here I am comfortably doing my Kung Fu, i's not ungodly early by the way, I don't start practicing until 8:30am. There's the moon still out, the trees, fresh air, plenty of space for me to do my thing... and then an American Eagle, it's like a painting, a fantasy, except it's real.

Monday, February 1, 2016

The Little Mahayana Vehicle that could

I've talked a lot about the benefits of idolatry, poetic idolatry, and using stuff to help your meditation or work out. But this one popped into my head and I think it is genius because it is crazy. It can be used o work out, but it actually has very little to do with Kung Fu.

The idea popped into my head through that Gospel of Thomas legend where a child Jesus turns clay into live birds, and I thought about how children often take a car or a train and make it come to life. I imagined doing this as an adult, and then I imagined doing it in a serious adult manner. I mean using the full extent of your adult body, and full concentration of your adult mind.

It would be easier than parkour, because it would be the car that would flipping off of things, or flying through the air like a spaceship. You really would look crazy though. so you might have to do this with kids... just for cover. Haha!

Maybe I should make a video of myself doing this.

In any case, that's the idea, that you are meditating through creative play, with the car/vehicle and so it is the vehicle that a meditation aid... much like bells, or beads, or statues, or incense.

Maybe I got the idea because I bought that Nepalese singing bowl for Noah and have put it on our family altar. I have been using it as a bell, the way Thich Naht Hanh says to. I forge exactly what he suggested, but we are ringing it three times. And each time we are supposed to think of the love and happiness and harmony of our family. I realized that this is just easier than saying an our father together, less limiting, simpler, and sort of non denominational as well.

Plus then we try to make the singing sound with the bowl.

I let the kids touch the altar. It is not a traditional Chinese altar in that sense. The Goddess on it is Nike (Victoria, or Our Lady of Victories in later cultures). There is a dragon and a rock too. But I want it to be sacred. So it's not so much "Don't touch" it's more like "Touch with reverence respect and mindfulness."

It would be cool to have a little vehicle too. But it might get too crowded. We could use any toy car I guess. But if you made your own, even if it was out of cardboard.. mor maybe the boats Noah keeps making, that is more special  isn't it?