Kung Fu and Love

Kung Fu and Love
A great gift for Valentine's day or Chinese New Year

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Strep Rash

Noah had a rash the other day, and I thought it was an allergic reaction. I was pretty quick to blame the Chinese New Year candy... because it's made in China. I guess that's prejudice but I once heard too old ladies cautioning each other in a Chinese Supermarket  after that scandal about cookies.

But just to make sure... I ate all of the New Year's candy. lol

It turns out that Noah has Strep..

Another word for Strep is Scarlet Fever... which is a scary name loaded with the death of literary fictional characters.

I actually never read Little Women, I guess now is a good time to start.

Anyway, it means Noah will be staying home from school tomorrow. Thanks to amoxicillin, which the Little Women did not have, it's actually not a big deal.... until antibiotics become useless (which is predicted to happen in the future.

Sun Tai Geen Hong!

Actually Noah says he feels great.

The Parade in Chinatown is supposed to 3 below with a wind chill of 15 below. Noah won't be contagious by then, the doctor said so. Should he still go? Maybe just in the afternoon and just around Moh Goon or something. Noah sure will be missing a lot of school what with snow days and vacation. Unlike Jonah, Noah actually really likes school though. So all this is torture.

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